TVD 3x21: "How many desiccated hybrids does it take to screw in a lightbulb?"

May 04, 2012 17:53

Here's the thing. I really enjoyed this episode. It was a good time. That being said? I don't really have much to say. I know, I know, I always have something to say, and I'm sure I'll find a way to make this recap as absurdly lengthy as ever. But...I don't know, guys. This episode was pretty good. The plot was consistently exciting (I know! Plot ( Read more... )

a filter what is it?, tvd, the vampire diaries, brothership!, episode reaction post!, my time where did it go, watching the sun rise as i type

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dante_kent May 10 2012, 10:04:54 UTC
Yes, last week's episode was...emotionally trying. I'm glad you survived it, though. ;) Welcome back!

I'm very much with you about Caroline/Tyler. I was so into them last season, but this season they became a bit cliche and overdone, and it just lost me.

I think it's because of the "epic love conquers all" thing the writers have been trying to do with them - I really don't think that they know how much I hate the entire 'epic love' concept, especially when they use it as a reason for everything

PREACH. There is nothing worse than the Epic Love trope.

These are things they're supposed to do for themselves, not for somebody else.

THIS THIS THIS x 10000000. I check out of a ship the second it starts to overpower the characters. I need for these people to exist beyond their love lives, and I think both Stefan and Tyler have seriously been suffering from a lack of storylines that don't revolve around their respective significant others.


I try to not pay attention when something like this happens *plot reasons and all that* but I can't!

Happens to me all the time. I do my best to ignore this sort of thing during the episode, but when I rewatch for my recaps I notice EVERYTHING, and it is highly inconvenient. ;)

But then I rewatched it a couple of times and tried to gather Bonnie's reaction and I'm pretty sure she agrees with Damon - she actually nods a few times while Damon is talking!

This threw me too! How could Bonnie possibly be ok with Jeremy dying for good? Whatever. I will try to let it go.


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