Here's the thing. I really enjoyed this episode. It was a good time. That being said? I don't really have much to say. I know, I know, I always have something to say, and I'm sure I'll find a way to make this recap as absurdly lengthy as ever. But...I don't know, guys. This episode was pretty good. The plot was consistently exciting (I know! Plot
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Because Stefan is her one true protector and it's not like he wasn't there for her during most of this season (but I guess I was imagining this part) and she doesn't need to worry about not having anyone because she has him? *Who knew? I'm still bitter about last week*
And Stefan? Can't take his eyes away from Klaus. He is LOCKED onto Klaus, in this horrible, dawning moment, when he realizes that he doesn't hate Klaus. He does hate Klaus, but he doesn't just hate Klaus. All these things Klaus has been saying about their connection, their bond, their friendship? They're all true. It doesn't change anything. Stefan wants to kill Klaus...but suddenly he's not sure he wants him dead. It's this awful, fantastic moment, when Stefan just feels, feels all these things about and for this man he hates, and it just freezes him. And then Klaus looks back at Stefan, wide-eyed, accusing, vulnerable, and it hurts.
Flawless scene is flawless.
But GUYS. I cannot even express how happy this Brothership scene makes me.
My brothership heart almost couldn't handle so much happiness. "Then in 60 years, we'll go back to being brothers and none of this will have mattered, right?"
"So if it makes me the bad guy for wanting to keep those people alive, then, fine. I'll be the bad guy."
MY PERFECT LADY. Amazing. (Also, hello Damon. These two are the same. All arguments are invalid.)
Of course, Jeremy can't let Elena take all the Gilbert glory, so he fires back with another moment of pure excellence: "That would mean I would lose you. I'm not gonna let that happen." I loved everything about this. Because we all talk so much about what Elena would do to save Stefan, Damon, Caroline, Bonnie, but through all that, I have never doubted for one single second that Jeremy is Elena's #1 priority. And that's as it should be.
YES to all of it. Elena Gilbert is such an amazing woman. And the Gilbert Family is just... flawless. I love how they would do anything for each other and how protective they are of each other.
OMG this review is already too long, and I could go on and on about this episode! It makes me afraid of how I'm going to react next Thursday. :) Oh and I'm sorry about possible grammar errors and stuff, English is not my native language.
Indeed. He has been the picture of a perfect boyfriend all season. How could anyone doubt him?
I'm still bitter about last week*
The Gilbert family for all the wins. I love them so.
Never apologize for lengthy comments! I enjoy them immensely, and besides, clearly I am not one to judge. ;) Meanwhile, this season finale may very well be the death of me. Hope to see you on the other side...but my fate is no longer in my hands. TREAT ME WELL, SHOW.
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