TVD 3x21: "How many desiccated hybrids does it take to screw in a lightbulb?"

May 04, 2012 17:53

Here's the thing. I really enjoyed this episode. It was a good time. That being said? I don't really have much to say. I know, I know, I always have something to say, and I'm sure I'll find a way to make this recap as absurdly lengthy as ever. But...I don't know, guys. This episode was pretty good. The plot was consistently exciting (I know! Plot ( Read more... )

a filter what is it?, tvd, the vampire diaries, brothership!, episode reaction post!, my time where did it go, watching the sun rise as i type

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badboy_fangirl May 5 2012, 05:34:51 UTC
I noticed Stefan's twitching fingers, too, which ironically, I last saw in 2x21 when Damon showed him his wolf-nip. So, yes, he just put his other brother in the ground, and that was his remorse over it.

And Elena saying, I'LL BE THE BAD GUY. Isn't this proof that this godawful 'choice' she has to make is to be with the only other person around willing to be the Bad Guy when really it somehow makes him the Good Guy?



fluffyfrolicker May 5 2012, 10:36:30 UTC
*jumps into unexpectedly*

And Elena saying, I'LL BE THE BAD GUY. Isn't this proof that this godawful 'choice' she has to make is to be with the only other person around willing to be the Bad Guy when really it somehow makes him the Good Guy?

Just wanted to say I really loved that sentence, especially after reading it the 3rd time, which is the 1st time I understood what it said :D

I follow the logic, if a warrior princess is willing to do anything, than she needs a warrior prince by her side, willing to always back her up. Secret contingency plans and all that jazz.

What I really do have a problem with is the urgency of the choice making, and the making-Damon-an-option part. It makes no sense to me that he is so suddenly made a choice, equally viable as Stefan (her boyfriend for 2 seasons or so). But alas, we all await for flashback time. And the crowning moment of awesome, which I shall not spoil if you've not seen the promo.


badboy_fangirl May 5 2012, 19:25:42 UTC
I follow the logic, if a warrior princess is willing to do anything, than she needs a warrior prince by her side, willing to always back her up. Secret contingency plans and all that jazz.
I love this sentence, and I read a couple times just because I love it so much. I honestly don't get how anyone sees Damon and Elena together and thinks, NOOOOOO, SHE BELONGS WITH STEFAN. It's just so apparent to me who the proper match is.

What I really do have a problem with is the urgency of the choice making, and the making-Damon-an-option part.The writers dropped the ball on this aspect, I agree. But the truth of it is he became viable the minute he forced her to admit she cared for him, and every moment after that. If Elena is going to date and love vampires, then Damon is just as viable (or just as NOT viable) as Stefan). In fact, Damon's the safer choice because he can control himself. I feel like they haven't fully explored Stefan's non-control either. So many things that need more depth to them. Woe ( ... )


fluffyfrolicker May 5 2012, 19:44:36 UTC
Damon and Elena, to me, are such an unusual story of love, and so many other things, very non cliche and I love them for it.

Hm, I see what you mean. Her "no feelings for Damon" campaign was recently put to a halt when she admitted both to Stefan and to Damon that some feelings do exist.

And if she's still ok with dating a vampire, then, as to which one is a better/safer choice, it's safe to say that in that aspect, season 3 Damon > season 3 Stefan.

And yes, I do like to thoroughly explore new Stefan, because he's far from being all hole and healed. It took him many years the last time, and I'm sure he's gotten himself all fixed in a month or so. That mention, Salvatore bromance in that car scene, my lord, these boys <3 ( ... )


dante_kent May 10 2012, 09:09:33 UTC
I noticed Stefan's twitching fingers, too, which ironically, I last saw in 2x21 when Damon showed him his wolf-nip.

Precisely the moment I was thinking of, friend. ;)

Isn't this proof that this godawful 'choice' she has to make is to be with the only other person around willing to be the Bad Guy when really it somehow makes him the Good Guy?

Yes. They can be almost-not-really Bad Guys together. And it will be glorious.


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