Jul 10, 2004 23:43
a lot of things i do for this start with "hm"
i haven't updated in a very long time, i'm lazy. i got back from maine a few days ago. i went with lexi (alex) and famiyl and rachel. it was a good time, filled with lots of board games... catch fraze... fires and other cool fun stuff. it was a good week, lexi is my sweet nectar of life. she's amazing.
um... i need to get my hair trimmed, the ends are quite gross. it's sorta sad, i've had this hair for so long, it's like a child to me. would you kill part of your child after 15 and a half months of it's life? for that is how long it's been since i last trimmed my hair.
work blows ass tehse days, every day i grow more and more filled with desire to KILL meatball. meatball is this shitty kid i work with who is the biggest shithead in the world. he makes the pilsbury dough ("doe") boy look skinny.
foley is fun, he hurts me and my muscles but it's fun.
i want to start a band called the "afro-chin-strap experience". kurt came up with that name for a band after some kid at his camp called him afro chin strap. i died with laugher.
i learned a re-dang-donculously hard guitar song today. and also i saw anchor man and spiderman 2. good movies.
i miss alex, i think i'm gonna call her if she doesn't come online soon...
that's it. have a ncie day