[Action | Call] In case of Emergency, call Denmark

May 17, 2011 12:23

Shortly after he hung up with Valdi the pestering voice in the back of his mind began to nag and gnaw with worry, wondering if the hospital had taken his phone to place a call with his relatives. Succumbing to his curiosity he scrolled through his dialed calls listing -- Nothing outside the normal other than a daisy chain of 'Valdi's, interrupted in a few instances by Willem or Sindre, even Gilbert. He stared at it for some time, wondering if he should..

He kicked himself mentally, and scrolled through his phone until he came across a familiar number. With much hesitation he brought the device back this ear to wait in anxiety, the call eventually picking up with--

The Three Mobile song.

((OOC: // before a sentence denotes Søren speaking.))

-- What in the.. Fucking three mobile starter, just answer your goddamn phone already, your ass should be awake anyway--


-- How-- wh-- were you actually fucking asleep?

//Yes, you dumbass. Some of us really fuckin' enjoy the nightshift. What the hell.

Well-- fuck, I'm sorry, all right? I didn't realize they put you on that..

//Ånej, shut up. You sound whingey again, nakkeost. What, your ass get dumped so you're headin' home? M'not sharin' my bed with you again. America made you fat.

.. I think I have a pretty good reason to sound upset right now, regardless of your beautiful face's unknowing state. Let me be the first to bestow upon you a harsh dose of reality.

//And let ME tell you that being all poetic and shit isn't gonna make you sound any smarter. Just spit it out, lillebror. [much Danish sleepy muttering to be inserted here]

I'm.. kind of in the emergency room right now, Søren. Madame Maime's burned down today. Sindre, Feliks and I got caught up inside with the fire.

//[...very long silence]

.... H-Hallo..? Fuck, this bitch ass phone better not have goddamn dropped my call, not at a time like this --

//Hvad skete der.

I-- fuck, I'm honestly not sure how the fire started. Feliks fessed up that for whatever reason he was burning shit, and dropped his zippo into the fluid that had spilled out. Sindre shoved him out of the way and got pinned by a bookshelf..

//...but everyone's okay, right. [most monotone voice ever]

-- I'unno. Everything's really blurry right now. Sindre got the worse of it, but they told me he's okay. Willem and Feliks, too.

//...shit. Just fucking--shit. I leave and everything goes to hell?! The fuck is the matter with all of you?! That kind of thing doesn't fucking happen!

[don't you dare get me riled, bro, tears, I will use them] ... I-I just.. fuck, bro, I didn't know what to do. I didn't know who else to call, I'm fucking terrified.I'm stuck on this goddamn breathing thing sounding like some fucking Darth Vader rip off, not knowing anymore than you do about if everyone is dead, alive, or making daisy chains with Bob Dylan.

//Goddamnit, I--are...are you okay, at least?

Y-Yeah, I'm fine. My lungs hurt like a bitch, but.. they just want to keep me a couple more hours to get my breathing okay. I'll be fine. I'm always good at this life defying shit, yeah? 'Sides, who else would be the cool kid talking on his cellphone in the ER without a care under the blue sky? No one, that's right. Though there is a significant lack of hot chicks up in here. I think Scrubs lied to us all those years. My nurse is some prudgey old broad that's built like a linebacker and looks like Ronald McDonald. Funny how a dame can have such a receeding hairline, huh.. ... Søren, you're quiet and that worries me immensely. Say 'fanden' if you are alive.

//...h-ha. Right, right.

... I wish you were here, storebror. I wish I didn't have to tell you all this, but.. I knew you'd beat me up pretty bad if I didn't.

//I wish life wasn't such a fucking bitch all the time. Goddamnit. I'm, um...going to assume that everyone...else. They're okay, right? Like--like not dying or anything right?

-- As far as I know Sindre is okay. Once they tell me I can go I'm going to hunt him down and find out. But yeah, I don't think he's dead or nothin'.. m'pretty sure they'd have told me that.

//[wry voice is a go] M'gonna guess the cupcake didn't get overbaked or anythin'. Who the FUCK trusted him with a goddamn zippo?

Whoever lets him in and out of the apartment every day, I guess. He was bein' normal and shit before I went to the break room..

//Shit, if you can define "normal" for him, you deserve a fucking medal. [another long silence] It's the 17th there still, ja?

Ja, it's the 17th.

//Well, tell that priss that I'm not wishing him a happy birthday because it's obviously blown chunks out the ass and it's officially NOT the 17th anymore. I am obligation-free.

... Mother fucker, it-- fuck, it's his goddamn birthday, I had completely forgotten.. Christ, I am an ass. I am a huge goddamn Danish asshole.

//Ja, you are. :U

-- Shut the fuck up. B(

//But just be an asshole. No need to add "Danish" to it and drag the rest of us through the mud. You dick.

I love you too, kærling.

//Tell it to min pik, elskede. But uh. How's...everything? With everyone?

Mm, pretty okay, I guess. Willem is Willem, Valdi is adorable, Sindre is Captain Cockblock on occasion. I moved in with Gilbert last week, s'been nice. Everyone.. Everyone seems okay. They all miss you.

//Pff. Suuuure they do. They threw a party when you told them I wasn't coming home, didn't they?

Actually.. Sindre cried. A lot. Willem was upset. Valdi, too. You know I bawled like a bitch on Valentine's.

//...fucking hell, Claus. I can't even try to cheer you up with a joke without you guilt-tripping me. [mutters] Shut the hell up, nobody cried...

-- Okay, then scratch everything I said. We had a Disney Princess party. It was Ariel themed, in your honor.

//Oh, fantastic. Did you wear three crowns like the Swede you are

No, but I burned three crowns!

//All three? I raised you well.

And then the world was Dannebrog. But, 'ey, I.. I-I should go. My throat is starting to hurt real bad. That and I called you collect. So I don't want to run up the bill.


The sound of the receiver dying abruptly echoed in his ears with a painful nostalgia. He knew he would miss Søren. But in moments where things were dire, where silence was long, where his heart ached for something familiar, it only rubbed salt in the wound that would never fully close until he himself returned to his Danish homeland for good.

elskede, guy love between two danes, real goddamn life, down a dane, sleepless in liberty, get over it sons, post type: action post, søren

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