[Action: Call to Valdi] It kills me not to know this, but I've all but just forgotten

May 17, 2011 09:33

((OOC: Set for this afternoon, May 17th, in the hours following the first events in the Sindre thread))

Everything was becoming a blur, tinged on the edges with a stinging regret that brilliantly colored his world with a distant pain. He hated that he could even feel pain in a moment like this with the knowledge of what had happened, with the vivid imagery of Sindre laying ashen and near lifeless on the ground once they had fished him out of the blazing building. The other faces, voices, high panic and raging anxiety were washed out; he vaguely remembered the Polish man, his Dutch brother, the appearance of the small Latvian, the frantic screams and tension that was evident in every aspect of expression. This could have been prevented -- Should have been prevented. He should have been able to keep this from happening somehow. He had been there, after all; if only..

If only he had been persistent against Sindre's telling him to take a break. If only he had brought his books out to the storefront to study. If only he hadn't been listening to his music when the shouting began. If only he had been strong enough to get the bookshelf removed on his own. If only he could have been superman for a shining moment, if only he could have pushed past his own physical limitations..

Sindre wouldn't be hurt like he was.

He felt a world of shame in thinking this was all his fault. That there could have been something done, should have been something done. Realistically he knew there was no blame to place to himself, but it didn't help the festering thoughts from eating away at the back of his mind, clustered with the tiny voices that filtered into his mind from the backdrop of the emergency room crowd.

Amongst the cluttered thoughts of self-hatred and grief came the startling realization that Valdi had no idea this had all happened. His face washed white with that burning panic again which caused his breath to grow short. He rasped along with the hum of the breathing apparatus he had been fitted with in the emergency room upon admittance. Where he had once been staring blankly up at the white-washed ceiling his eyes were now dodging frantically, hands taking up the same course of action as he searched himself for his phone. After a few seconds he had it in his palm, and with a precautionary glance around to make sure the nurses weren't nearby he punched in Valdi's name.

Wetting his lips he brought the phone up to his ear, craning his neck to look both left and right and keep a personal checks and balances for himself to make sure no one would interrupt his call.

the norwegian brother, okay panic a lot, life gave me apples, oh mother fucker, don't panic!, idk my icelandic boyfriend?, post type: action post, when things can't get worse

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