hello. i'm still here.
i was gonna post ten good things tonight, but instead i nit-picked a job application LITERALLY all friggin' night long. UGH. in the realm of things i hate, editing cover letters ranks somewhere between grading student papers (thank god those days are gone!) and being punched in the crotch repeatedly. in my experience, the worst kind of labor involves a deadly mix of intense concentration combined with mind-numbing banality (i.e. determining "why i make an ideal employee"). i'd rather scrub toilets in the supermarket, like i did when i was 19. seriously.
anyway, one of the "things" on my usual list was gonna be
jon stewart's interview with bolivian president evo morales on the daily show earlier this week. if you click on my hyperlink and scroll around a bit, you can watch it for free. you might have to endure a really annoying starbucks commercial first though.
my understanding of morales is pretty superficial. but from the
wee bit of cyber-research i've done on the guy, he seems worthy of some cautious excitement, at the very least. stewart's interview is sort of awkward-- mostly because the need for a translator adds an inevitable stiffness-- but there's something really open and respectful about the whole affair. typically, when leftist figures in latin america are represented in the american media, a reactionary sense of suspicion surrounds the debate. the lack of neutrality always leaves me confused and frustrated. by contrast, stewart really takes the high road. he's visibly excited to be conducting the interview, and avoids even jokey hysteria when the time comes to discuss
nationalizing large aspects of the bolivian economy. anyway, watching this was the perfect alternative to the kind of
idiotic, hysterical bullshit that the "liberal" majority in the house of representatives has failed so completely to send packin'. i don't know how long the comedy central link will be up, so i figured that suggesting you watch the clip might serve as a nice little prequel to the more involved post i promise i'm working on...
p.s. i've noticed that instead of making actual posts around here, i've somewhat unintentionally been using other people's comment threads as if they're my own personal diary; as excuses to ramble on aimlessly. i apologize if this has been getting on anyone's nerves. feel free to tell me to knock it off, etc....