Jun 20, 2012 15:20
So I did the bike ride: 54 miles over 6.5 hours including stops, traffic, etc. Not brilliant, but we did get held up quite a bit. More disappointingly, I had to walk up that last hill. I wasn't warned about the several hills leading up to it. I managed to cycle some of those, but that last one was impossible for me. More training clearly is necessary. Nonetheless, I did manage a 54 mile cycle, two years after learning to ride, so that's something. I also raised about £850 for the BHF with the company contribution, and our team total was about £6000. I was the top fundraiser. :) It was long, it was difficult, but I can see how people get addicted to the challenge.
I've been meaning to post about age for a while now, but I'm definitely feeling the slower brain. I'm just not thinking things through as thoroughly or as quickly as before. It's horrible.
First sign of my new free lj, way fewer user pics. I never had many, but I thought you got more than six?
Work is heating up. Learning, which is good. New tasks, also good. More confidence and recognition, still good. But feeling the pressure. Hope I can take it.
getting older,