Mar 13, 2010 10:58
I've been very absent-minded this week. I left my bag with workout trousers on the tube Wednesday morning. At some point yesterday I took off my thumb ring and forgot completely about it, looking for it in a panic this morning when I saw the empty box (found in jacket pocket). Just forgetful in general. Lack of sleep maybe? Possibly not the best state of mind to be packing for a ski trip.
I've also been a bit crabby. Particularly when drinking and with my wife. (Unhelpfully, I've been a bit needy for affection as well.) Have to shake that off. One good thing that's come out of it, however, is that it motivated me to speak to her -- once calm and sober -- about how she talks about people sometimes when we get into big groups. She understands how it makes her feel when one of our friends does that to her, so hopefully she'll keep that in mind for next time.
As far as mental holiday prep, I exhausted the excitement by Wednesday then moved on to apprehension. All the what-if's. Will everybody get along? Will everyone have a good time? Will I get to do what I want to do or get annoyed with my friends? (Or act stupid when drunk!?) This is normal. I'm sure it will be good.
I made chili again last night. Couldn't remember if I added a tin of tomatoes last time, when the chili was super good. I used them last night and I think that was a mistake. Note to self: next time, no tomatoes.
Righty, best start that packing. x