"If pigs could fly...it'd would be a lot harder to find bacon"

Jun 26, 2007 19:17

I can't believe it's already week 5 of camp. I guess time really flies when you're away for half the summer. We have a great crew this year. It's been very rare that we are all there one any one day. This week marked the start of counselor vacation season. Courtney left last week for Canada and gets back tomorrow, just as Shane leaves FOR Canada. Eric is gone all week (leaving group D unattended when Shane leaves), and I leave Monday for 2 weeks and a day, back for three days, then gone again for 5. And then it's the end of July heh.

Groups A and B are seriously under registered this year. We have had the two groups combined since day 1 and our peak number for both groups hasn't gone above 15. So me, Debbie, Taryn and Tim basically get to relax while Shane and Eric deal with 30 boys in group D heh. It's still surreal for me to see Tim yelling at kids to be quiet becuase it was him we were yelling at 5 summers ago. Jessica and I had fun today looking at old pictures. Tim as a camper, Shane being an underwear model, Josh being Josh, and me with pink hair. Oh the times we've had. Taryn and I totally lucked out on the buses. Not only do we get to ride with Shane and Eric, but we get to be on a different bus from Pat which means no yelling from the front to interrupt our nap times. Amazingly, I am only going to miss 2 field trips this summer and one of them is the Ulitimate Challenge...again. muahahahahaha.

In other news, we have recorded the piano and guitar for the CD. The Holy Spirit totally took this one and ran with it. Tuesday night all we had was a list of songs, and no definate way to get them into the mac. Wednesday I found an audio interface ON SALE at Best Buy and they (Sarah, Mark, Paul, Mom, David and Mike) spent literaly all day on Thursday and Friday recording the instrumental tracks for all 12 songs. Now begins the hard part...vocals. And then eventually Kyle will add some violin goodness on a few songs. It's going to be good...get excited.

Speaking of excited, Maria is coming this weekend. Wooooooot. Michelle and Kim haven't called me back...bums.

It's still raining at Skewers.

P.S. Maria, remind me to tell you about the worker ants at cleanup duty.
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