man, i just love live journal

Apr 05, 2005 02:35

The man who lets himself be bored is even more contemptible than the bore.
Samuel Butler

OK, i'll admit it. i don't understand half the words in that quote, which is why i put it up there. *looking at for the following words: lets, contemptible, the, bore*
ok, i'm back. i figured out what that quote means...basically, if you're bored you suck at life. thank God he made valve create cs to keep me from sucking at life. i mean when I play cs, it's like probably the best moments of my day. for those few...6...8 hours i'm free. i don't care about that girl on bed beckoning me to come. i don't care about that 0% i received in all my classes. for the time i play cs i'm free. and it's definitely not because i'm good or anything.
i definitely go at least 3 - 4938, and that 3 is on a lucky day. it's just that when i get one of those three kills i stop everything. i stop spraying, i stop running, and i lower my mic to my mouth, press 't' and yell "ROFL (pronounced like waffle but with an 'o' instead of a 'a') I OWNED YOU, BITCH! CAL-I KING RIGHT HERE" and then i type "haha i g0tz U b147c|-|! LoLZ~~~~!!!!!!! p\/\/nD!!" or something to that extent, usually i'm dead by the time i start typing. but the guy i killed is also dead so he still reads what i say. and usually they'll come back and say something ridiculous like "well, i'm 100-2. you're 1-883" and i tell him, he got killed by the guy who died 883 times. LoLZ R0FLC0P73R!!!!!! P3N1S3D U!
every now and then, i'll get lucky. and my computer will lag up to 20,000 ping and i'll throw a gernade. and everyone on the other team just freezes and by the time it comes back i've killed 5 and it says m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-monster killllllllllllllllllllllllll, and it makes me feel like i have a huge penis.
my friend just got moved down from cal-i. but cal-i aint shit. they can get all da fuckin headshots they want in cs, but in real life, they're fucked. they don't even have a fuckin mouse in a real fight. and imagine someone tryin to bunny hop around the street. whack. well, i'm going to go paintballing, and imma bunny hop back and froth from one side of the field to the other. how many headshots in real life do they have? none bitch. stfu, i don't have any either. but so, at least i have pop tarts in my room. that makes me cal-i king eater.
ok enough about cs, now back to the quote. dis one mother fucker, imma call him hg. hg is all deaf and shit, and he still isn't bored. he enjoys life to fullest, he runs around fucking parking lots in broad day light with a fucking machete chasing people he doesn't like. i sure hope i don't piss him off. if he reads this, that homogay, i mean hg, he'll probably come after me with a machete. yeah, that deaf ass mother fucker. and he doesn't even realize that he can't pronounce anything worth shit. he's like 'sooooo argh juu groing to crass?' and i'm like 'wtf? yeah i'm going to class'
YOU KNOW WHAT GIRLS LOVE? the LAW. actually the L.A.W. Little Asian Weiners.
ok, i'm out. it's another sunny day in cali-forn-i-a. sucks for you east coast faggots.

definition of contemptible: to be able to be in the state of contempt
definition of contempt: the state of one who is contemptible
i hate english.

i'm sorry, i may be wrong. i may be biased. i may say shit that offends you. so hunter, go get yourself a nice warm cup of stfu.
and i am sorry for uh..offending you. LoLZ!!!! 1m40!!!!11!~~ sux-r!
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