different day, different kind of shit all the time
- 23:51 @ Lunna1969 Yeah...I was only going by the scores posted on NHL.com and on my google desktop to know what was happening tonight... #
- 23:51 @ Lunna1969 ...Since I live on the east coast, I can't get the games at all. This is why I will be getting GameCenter in the next few days. #
- 23:54 Alrighty - LoudTwitter post taken care of. Game is over. Fic idea is FINALLY taken a solid shape. Time for bed. Nighty night Twitterwebz! #
- 23:54 @ ensredshirt HAHA - you can TRRRRRY! ;) #
- 09:43 Alrighty - class time. #
- 11:11 You know, sometimes I wish I had my grandma's horn so I could scare slow moving people out of my way! XP #
- 13:06 @ taraee2 Well, they're walking to you! XP #
- 13:10 Would be nice if Madre actually ANSWERED her phone when I called her! XP #
- 17:42 @ HugeHewlettFan Oh, my LoudTwitter post over on LJ. ;) #
- 17:43 @ Goldynchickie But WHYCOME?! It's fantastic AS IS...Like Clash of the Titans! Pfffft! #
- 18:37 YES! The transfer FINALLY went through and I can sign up for GameCenter now! XD #
- 18:49 @ Lunna1969 Me me me!! #
- 18:50 NCIS in 10 minutes!!! XD #
- 18:52 @ Lunna1969 LOL, so I've been told. ;) #
- 18:54 @ Lunna1969 Hehe - Twice even (at least on that day)...and I was messing with him during his Q/A, bringing up Mega Snake and stuff. ;) #
- 18:55 @ Lunna1969 LoL, that random video of randomness! LoL - Danny Lion has officially STOPPED making that noise, thank god. LOL. #
- 18:56 Alrighty - heading out to the living room area to watch some NCIS!!! WHOOOOOOOT!! #
- 19:43 I LOVE THIS SHOW. That is all. #
- 22:02 Fiiiinally back - though I have to take a shower now. LOL #
- 22:05 @ Wiccy Wish I did. Sorry. :( #
- 22:41 @ ensredshirt LoL, twas nice. I have seen snow before, though. XP #
- 22:44 @ ensredshirt LoL, no. It was only brief that I saw snow IN PERSON. And that was around X-mika time last year. #
- 22:44 You know what annoys me? People that THINK they know things and go off spewing nonsense when they are wrong. #
- 22:49 @ ensredshirt Well, I do live in the south. It is a rarity in these parts. #
- 22:50 That last tweet about people not knowing things - it was SG-1 related. When you have *ME* saying someone is wrong about something... #
- 22:50 ...you should know I'm probably the one in the right. LOL. I believe my Beat the Geeks performance proved this. ;) #
- 22:51 @ ensredshirt HAHA - your funny!! #
- 22:55 @ ensredshirt You think this is picking on me?? Nate, my dear, you have nothing on my family. Nothing on my own MOTHER. XP #
- 22:57 @ ensredshirt OH RIGHT, RIGHT. Going easy on me b/c I'm a girl?? XP #
- 23:03 @ ensredshirt Just admit it. You just think I can't handle the tough picking on b/c I'm a chick. And I'm small and adorkable. #
- 23:04 @ Wiccy Oh, some chick that thinks she knows it all was saying some nonsense about Vala not wearing pigtails again after Adria ascended. #
- 23:04 @ Wiccy Clearly she hasn't watched Unending, where Vala has her pigtails. #
- 23:04 @ ensredshirt Oh, I'm just QUIVERING in my seat. #
- 23:06 Remmie is favoring Nickelback tonight. #
- 23:10 @ ensredshirt Wait, am I supposed to? *I* am the center of attention, ALWAYS. #
- 23:12 @ ensredshirt Oh, don't you worry darling. I will. ;) #
- 23:16 @ dvsquee Bad, bad girls. #
- 23:18 Any time Stands starts playing, it makes me want to watch my vid. #
- 23:18 STAND. Drop that last 's'. #
- 23:23 @ dvsquee On the way to liberation, that's for sure. #
- 23:26 @ dvsquee *IZ DED FROM LAUGHTER* Oh, how proud you have just made ME! #
- 23:30 @ ensredshirt Wait, what are you talking about? She's in O-Town already. #
- 23:30 @ ensredshirt Or were you referring to her trip in GENERAL? LoL #
- 23:32 @ ensredshirt Never. It's more fun to be oblivious half the time! #
- 23:33 THE DIVA DANCE. *sigh* I need to watch The Fifth Element again soon. #
- 23:34 @ dvsquee West Coast girl who is on the east coast and NOT visiting a certain someone. #
- 23:35 @ ensredshirt Yep. How else am I to impress you? Gotta pay attention to some of the boring nonsense. #
- 23:37 @ ensredshirt I think she's tried. It doesn't work for her. #
- 23:38 @ dvsquee Yeah, it costs dineros to go down to O-Town. And I have these things known as CLASSES. #
- 23:38 @ ensredshirt YES, I DID see her! XD #
- 23:40 @ dvsquee @ensredshirt Trufax. Madre has tried for 20 years. Hasn't worked yet. #
- 23:40 @ ensredshirt My card was full at the time of Stargate Panel of awesome and part of the auction. XP #
- 23:41 @ apndrgn What @ensredshirt said. She did look good. #
- 23:41 @ dvsquee But you haz more dineros than me at this point. You should come - who cares what mommy and daddy say. COME SEE ME!!! #
- 23:44 @ ensredshirt Yeah, well... I wish some people had thought long and hard before putting on those costumes. *snirk* #
- 23:48 @ dvsquee Pfft. Feeling so unloved up here. #
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