...I've been sitting here trying to think of a quote randomly, but it seems nothing worthy of subject line status will come (or I know I've already used it). So screw it. No quote as subject tonight. Sorry if I've disappointed anyone.
Okay - first order of business.
WARNING: Spoilers for NCIS S.7 Premiere, and the series' premieres of NCIS LA and The Good Wife.
HOE-MG, how I love NCIS!!!! I thought the episode was fan-fucking-tastic, having the majority of it seen through Tony's memories. It's...just hard to explain b/c my T/Z brabbits are still all squee-y happy excited and anxious for next week. I will say there were a couple moments where I was thrown for a loop, especially it being McGee in the room with Tony. Really hadn't seen that coming. And the stuff with Tony and Ziva?! Gods, how those two kill me and I LOVE IT! Knowing Tony couldn't tell a lie - I was SO hoping he would say to her. Maybe I was the only one who thought they saw it, but I could swear he was fighting the drug. Best part, though? Tony reminding the dude (his name fails me now) how Gibbs was a Sniper just before Jethro blasts the bastard's head in. I was cheering so loudly. CANNOT wait for next week! Just seeing the preview of Abby telling Ziva off gets me all kinds of excited. OH, and something I just remembered - the main reason why I fell in love with this show was such a subtle yet dominant awesomepops thing tonight's episode, and that's the friendship btwn Gibbs and DiNozzo. I'm so reminded of Jack and Daniel when I watch those two. *sigh*
Also watched NCIS LA and The Good Wife. Honestly, I believe The Good Wife was better than LA. But I couldn't help thinking a lot of things when watching LA. I went in expected it to be as witty and quick and a little unpredictable like NCIS is. There was definitely wit, and it was pretty quick, but so highly predictable it took some of the fun out of it. I was more into the characters than the storyline for the ep. Callen has me very interested, but I think that's the intention. Of course there's the part of me (the DOMINANT part) of me that was watching going 'MICHAEL SHOULD'VE GOT THIS PART!!!', and that may have affected my watching. The Good Wife, on the other hand, had me interested through both characters AND the storyline. I wasn't intending on getting into many shows this season, but this one may be a keeper.
And now onto other stuff:
- Finally signed up for GameCenter Live. Tried to test it out, but I don't think I can enjoy the 'live' part of it until the actual season starts. Hopefully that's all it is b/c I'd hate to have committed to this NOT to be able to watch the games when official season starts.
- Last night I was reminded why I decided to put my all into this hockey stuff back in April, and why I ended up going for the Canucks (yes, dear Skittles was the catalyst, but it HAS turned into a true fan love thing from me). And I wasn't even WATCHING the game. But yeah, that shit impressed me.
- I don't really have anything else for tonight. LOL!
P.S. - The song prompted the icon choice. *sigh* Oh how I love Daniel and Vala.