different day, different kind of shit all the time
- 00:01 And here...we...GO! #
- 00:01 i swear EVERY TIME i hear them say TEARGAS, not TEIRGATH (or however the frell you spell that) #
- 00:03 Cue intro #
- 00:03 @ apndrgn - It's getting rather old having to do it over and over, multiple times a day #
- 00:06 @ punslingerr - Oh, no prob! Me LOVES the Joker! Heath Ledger = AAAAMAZING! #
- 00:07 Another way to know Twilight is dangerous - When 'Breaking Dawn' sounds like a gunshot going off when it accidentally hits the floor #
- 00:07 And now begins the Daniel!Swoon of this ep commentary #
- 00:08 Oh, S.7 Sam haircut...I thought I liked it then. Now, not so much. #
- 00:09 JACOB! And BRA'TAC! Nothing's better than the both of them in an episode together! #
- 00:10 @ punslingerr - Seriously! I mean, I see him in any other movie and go NO, he couldn't possibly be the Joker! Shows what skills he had! #
- 00:11 Sorry Teal'c. Your badass mojo wasn't enough to kill it. #
- 00:11 That's what Sam really wanted to say. #
- 00:11 @ apndrgn - Daniel's hair makes up for it. #
- 00:11 "Frankenstein's Monster." #
- 00:12 THANK YOU, DANIEL, for saying MONSTER and NOT Frankenstein! Frankenstein was the DOCTOR, the monster HAD no name. #
- 00:13 Daniel being adorkably awesomesauce, as always! #
- 00:13 Let's not forget, part of this ep was written/pitched by Shanks himself. WIN! #
- 00:14 And Danny get's to do the INDY thing and go off to find an artifact. #
- 00:14 @ apndrgn - AND the pretty one. #
- 00:15 @ apndrgn - NO, b/c that would've made it easier on us graphics ppl to make BETTER quality icons etc. #
- 00:17 LOOOOST! (I soooo need to get caught up!) #
- 00:18 He can speak Spanish to me all he wants! ;D #
- 00:19 He's scruffy...I'm distracted by all this archaeologist hotness right now.l #
- 00:20 @ SimplyJulia - No shit! His Ancient Egyptian is...well...coherent thoughts/words can't express it properly! #
- 00:22 Can we tell I'm a major archaeology nerd?! I mean, Daniel DOING the archaeology stuffs is HOT. REALLY! #
- 00:25 I referenced this part in class. The narrow hallways. #
- 00:25 @ punslingerr - *cough* Do you really wanna know the answer to that question?? #
- 00:27 Bill Lee is officially adorkable. #
- 00:28 Damn, 5 away from 3000...I need to go get those vids ready to be posted. #
- 00:30 Gotta get to the big number before the commercial ends #
- 00:31 I feel this will land me in Twitter Jail for sure #
- 00:31 Be prepared for @DanielValaLove to start posting sometime tonight #
- 00:32 Okie donkie, gonna go nab those vids for tweetage! #
- 00:34 the BIG #3000: Vid Pimpage - Pimping Me: bit.ly/7wPEN Pimping Funny: bit.ly/fRM0E Pimping Commercial: bit.ly/A9d4f #
- 00:37 Vid Pimpage P.2 : Pimping Slash Humor: bit.ly/eYNiZ Pimping Classic: bit.ly/kHKRg Pimping Shanks: bit.ly/fxPrP #
- 00:37 Awwww, Daniel fears the sarcophagus addiction even after all these years! #
- 00:38 And the final pimpage: THE SLINKY SCENE: bit.ly/4cPuVG #
- 00:38 Hope you enjoy them all. I know I do! #
- 00:40 And THIS is where I changed the channel! WTF was I thinking (this was my pre-SG-1 fandom days!) *iz shamed*( #
- 00:45 @ punslingerr - I write fanfic, my friend. Trust me, I've already imagined it! (and it involves Vala too! ;P) #
- 00:45 @ apndrgn - Mmmmmmmmmm...*coherent thoughts leave* #
- 00:45 @ SimplyJulia - XD Indeed I am! #
- 00:46 @ lkoutzas - Glad you can enjoy come of them at least! #
- 00:47 Daniel...is blindfolded...and his hands are ziptied together. Are we sure these guys aren't working for the fangirls?? #
- 00:47 @ apndrgn - I think it's the equivalent of the gold watch idea. #
- 00:49 Such arm porn. MMMMmmmmmMMMM! #
- 00:51 @ ohlauren - Something completely....unfangirly about Daniel in these episodes?? Consider it a challenge! #
- 00:52 @ apndrgn - Why not? Isn't that like how humans enter retirement on Earth anyways? XP #
- 00:53 While I'm thinking about it (again), THANK YOU everyone for the #FollowFridays. Truly appreciative. Really don't think I'm that fascinating! #
- 00:54 @ apndrgn - Ah, true true. #
- 00:55 @ apndrgn - I WARNED him about the fangirlness! He stayed at his own risk. #
- 00:55 @ SimplyJulia - T'awww thanks! XD #
- 00:57 Dude, do not MESS with Daniel. You WILL die. Ask all the bad guys! #
- 00:58 Notice how he kinda sounds like Jack here? I LOVE IT! #
- 00:59 See, here's the difference - his friends WILL come and save them! Bastard! #
- 01:01 @ apndrgn - Huzzah! Let's see if I can actually TWEET on my main account through this entire ep. #
- 01:01 Welcome to round 2 everyone! We have all made it this time! Success! #
- 01:03 @ SimplyJulia - Depends on when the hour started...the Twitter Nazis are sneaky ninjas about time and whatsuch! #
- 01:04 I apologize on behalf of us all now to anyone who must endure this tweet spammage come morning time! #
- 01:04 Or...daylight morning time. Tis morning time in literal terms now. #
- 01:04 "Found one." #
- 01:05 For nostalgia's sake, THIS was my first NEW episode of SG-1 I ever watched. My first SG-1 premiere. #
- 01:06 And BRING ON THE FANFIC FODDER! Daniel gets WHUMPED! #
- 01:08 @ apndrgn - Well, that's the undershirt. He had the other shirt on when they started. #
- 01:09 @ SimplyJulia - Ah, so you are a pastee as well! #
- 01:09 @ punslingerr - Mmmm, New Order. That was a fun premiere night. #
- 01:11 @ punslingerr - Okay, maybe you meant the S.9 opener instead?? #
- 01:11 @ SimplyJulia - *snirk* I KNEW as soon as I put it up there, a joke about tanning would come up! #
- 01:12 GAH, this DAMN SCENE! The one that turned me against Jack/Sam ship. #
- 01:12 Danny's been whumped...Let's all hug him gently. #
- 01:13 @ punslingerr - Alrighty, just checking. #
- 01:14 @ apndrgn - Maybe a few feather-light kisses for comfort too? #
- 01:15 i'm sorry, but Jack going to rescue Daniel makes me all mushy gooey happy! I SO LOVE THEIR FRIENDSHIP! #
- 01:18 Dammit, Bill, you had to break! But we'll still love you anyways. #
- 01:21 @ punslingerr - Yeah, it's hard to forget he hasn't been "around" on screen for longer. #
- 01:22 @ SimplyJulia - Never a bad thing. #
- 01:22 "They had helmets back in those days, Sir?" Siler PWNAGE! XD #
- 01:24 @ SimplyJulia - Ah, since his mullet days huh? ;D #
- 01:25 I remember waaay back when I first got into SG-1, I read this fanfic that focused on Thoth taking over Daniel's body. Was tres awesomesauce! #
- 01:27 Did he just say "FOUR me?" #
- 01:28 Poor, poor Danny. :( #
- 01:29 Love Daniel here (though I love him always, so that's really no different) #
- 01:30 @ SimplyJulia - Awesomesauce. Much love for MacGyver! #
- 01:37 @ apndrgn - Anubi-mort, flamer extraordinarie! #
- 01:37 Wow, that word came out spelled WAY WRONG! #
- 01:40 @ apndrgn - Ah right, that was SG-1 Trufax! #
- 01:43 @ SimplyJulia - Oh noes! Hold out a little while longer!! Just 15 minutes left to go! #
- 01:46 Okay, does anyone else laugh a little at how Zombie!Chalo just falls. #
- 01:51 Because it seems ppl need a proper SG-1 vid education! : bit.ly/fvTEJ #
- 01:53 But Danny could've done it with that rock! #
- 01:53 Oh wow....ummm...yeah. #
- 01:53 "What are you doing here?!" #
- 01:55 Those two (J/D) really are just...the greatest, most awesomesauce...*sigh* It's eps like this that remind me why I first got into this show! #
- 01:55 @ apndrgn - WIN! #
- 01:57 Daniel scooching away = Adorkableness. #
- 01:58 Daniel's played army too long = Boots on OVER the jeans. #
- 02:00 Damn straight you're fine!!...Oh wait, you meant... ;D #
- 02:02 @ punslingerr - Yeah, my mind didn't see the dirty comment I'd made about Daniel and the rock until AFTER I tweeted it! XP #
- 02:03 @ apndrgn - Ah...but shouldn't there be MORE showing of the love for Daniel than the hating of Jonas?? #
- 02:03 @ SimplyJulia - LoL, glad you stuck around to participate! #
- 02:06 @ SimplyJulia - Well, we definitely try! #
- 02:11 @ apndrgn - Completely understandable. #
- 02:14 @ punslingerr - Are you living under a rock?! #
- 02:17 @ punslingerr - Well, why haven't you read them? Or seen the movies?! You HAVE to see the movies!! #
- 02:22 @ SimplyJulia - Nighty night! #
- 02:23 @ apndrgn - Well, I haven't read the books myself....so, ya know, can't vouche for them. #
- 02:25 @ apndrgn - I will be getting around to reading them. That's why I have friends who read the books - to explain the things in detail! #
- 02:28 @ apndrgn - If it's any consolation, I really do love the movies. Cannot wait for July to come around! #
- 02:31 @ apndrgn - See, I do have some part in the HP fandom! If I didn't, I wouldn't love The Mysterious Ticking Noise so much! #
- 02:36 @ punslingerr - You should watch/read b/c it's awesomesauce. #
- 03:04 *phew* Tonight was fun, but now I must be off to bed...my nice, comfy bed. Again, apologies to spamming the feeds! Hope you enjoy the... #
- 03:04 ....commentary by proxy! Nighty night! #
- 12:06 Oh look - NCIS marathon on USA. That NEVER happens! #
- 12:50 There's a bouncy castle on the grassy area right next to the parking lot. #
- 12:56 Of course there WOULD be one while I'm stuck in the box b/c you know, I haven't been imagining jumping in one for days or anything. #
- 13:05 Another example of the torture! I WANT IT SO BAD! *pouts* : bit.ly/czcv1 #
- 13:32 @ punslingerr - No, no lunch break. I just eat in here. #
- 13:34 @ punslingerr - Eh, it's not too bad. That's another 30 minutes I get paid for. #
- 13:35 @ punslingerr - *SNIRK* very nice #
- 13:36 Am listening to songs, trying to find JUST the right one to vid. #
- 13:37 Ummmmm yeah, I really don't think S.E.X. would be appropriate! *SNIRK* #
- 13:39 "S is for the simple need, E is for the ecstasy, X is just to mark the spot cause that's the one you really want..." #
- 13:40 @ punslingerr - THAT would be NCIS. #
- 14:05 Awww nuts!: RT @stargatesolns: Solutions News: Further Delay for Stargate Movies? bit.ly/pQYoa #
- 14:15 Hello beautiful external hard drive where all my fanfic is stored! *clings to it* #
- 14:17 @ punslingerr - Yep, that's what I was thinking. They are waiting for the Blu Ray to take down the DVD like the DVD took down the VHS. #
- 14:22 @ punslingerr - That's true. But people can be very patient when it comes to things like owning movies. They aren't like us. #
- 14:24 It makes me sad that not everyone shares my enthusiasm for supporting fandoms. I mean, last year when Continuum came out, not only did I... #
- 14:24 ...NOT watch the leaked version online, I also didn't just live with DLing it from iTunes. I also went out to Wally World and bought it... #
- 14:26 ...AND ordered it off of Creation's site. I mean, SHOW some support for what we love. It's how we'll get MORE! #
- 14:28 @ punslingerr - Yep. And have two physical copies of AoT (never got around to DLing it). Also have all the seasons twice over. I got them... #
- 14:28 @ punslingerr - ...individually over time and then got the complete boxset. #
- 14:29 @ ohlauren - Wow, yeah...they do look a lot alike. I couldn't really see it, but that's perfect proof of the theory. #
- 14:33 @ punslingerr - Oh you MAKE the room! I got the boxset as a birthday present last year, so I didn't pay for it. Nor several of the seasons. #
- 14:38 @ punslingerr - Hey, don't mock the sex!hair! #
- 14:42 @ punslingerr - My SG DVDs have a whole bookshelf shelf just to themselves. And the shelf above and below for other SG-related things. #
- 14:43 @ punslingerr - I know sexy hair is one of my biggest attractions...*points to Shanks as example* #
- 14:45 @ medlam - I love the little witty comments he makes on the photos! XD #
- 14:48 @ punslingerr - It's not really 'definable'. You either GET what it is, or you don't...unless someone can think of a simple way to explain it #
- 14:51 @ ohlauren - Was thinking that. I'll see what's sitting waiting on my photobucket account. #
- 14:52 @ punslingerr - A bit more complex than that, but it's a good start. #
- 15:05 Sex!Hair Education - Yes: bit.ly/10Ny3i, bit.ly/RzdwN, bit.ly/TFheA. No: bit.ly/lTgZ4, bit.ly/FYFub #
- 15:05 Now, I'm not saying the 'No's aren't gorgeous, I'm just saying their hair in those instances aren't sex hair. Suave and sexy, yes... #
- 15:06 ...but not the same. Perfect example: Daniel's hair circa S.1/2 - NOT sex hair. Daniel hair circle late S.7 and S.8/9/10 - HELLZ YES. #
- 15:07 CIRCA, not CIRCLE. *shakes head* #
- 15:08 Did I do it justice, that sex!hair explanation? Or are we all too distracted by prettiful pictures? #
- 15:09 OOPS, that first no wasn't supposed to be Sean again #
- 15:10 It was suppose to be Johnny Depp: bit.ly/lTgZ4 #
- 15:10 Gah, it WAS Johnny to begin with. TweetDeck is frelling with my mind! #
- 15:12 @ ohlauren - I kept it simple with pictures...though I'm confusing myself with the links to the pictures. Feel like such a dumbass! #
- 15:14 @ punslingerr - *sigh* Umm well, yes...that's part of it. SEE, I told you I couldn't just explain it. You either get it or don't. #
- 15:16 @ medlam - I was iffy about that one. I think it's a little too short to qualify. Of course, it is a matter of everyone's individual taste. #
- 15:17 See, another reason why it's hard to interpret/decide what IS or isn't exactly sex!hair - A lot of it comes down to taste and opinion. #
- 15:25 @ apndrgn - I believe 'just rolled out of bed' covers the mess that is Rob Pattinson's hair. *shudders* How do girls find that sexy?! #
- 15:26 @ punslingerr - Are you mocking my pictures? XP #
- 15:29 @ apndrgn - Most definitely not! But he was a bad example, I guess...since it's Twilight related, and nothing good can come from that. #
- 15:30 @ medlam - See, that's where it gets confusing! I knew I should've just let it be b/c those that understand don't need any other explanation! #
- 15:30 @ punslingerr - *snirk* You make a good point consider the shot of the movie that's in the picture. #
- 15:32 @ punslingerr - It is...when he's going to Helion Prime. #
- 15:39 @ medlam - My point exactly! So no more trying to explain it. It hurts my brain too much! #
- 15:41 @ immaterialdepth - ISN'T IT?! I was in search of GREAT pics of actors I love to swoon over, and when I found that one of Sean, after... #
- 15:43 @ immaterialdepth - ...I retrieved myself from the floor, I went Yeah, I think that covers him. XP #
- 15:47 @ punslingerr - Wow, I can't imagine NOT doing those things! Artistic expression, man! #
- 15:58 @ ensredshirt - Yay! Welcome back to the Twitterwebz! #
- 16:03 @ ensredshirt - Seeing as you weren't around for the epic episode commentary last night either, I'd say yes! ;D #
- 16:21 @ apndrgn @ohlauren - That's when it sucks the most! #
- 16:26 @ punslingerr - Only if you want to. ;P #
- 16:37 @ punslingerr - *SNIRK* #
- 17:00 @ apndrgn - Wouldn't he shave to start wearing non-waterproof black eyeliner though? #
- 17:00 @ apndrgn - HAVE, no SHAVE. *sigh* #
- 17:06 Ugh - have stalled on 'She's Everything' again. At least I got some of it worked on. #
- 17:15 I don't think "You Shook Me All Night Long" would make a good SG-1 team song...*snirk* #
- 17:23 The best song ideas are really not very humours - they're uplifting, excellent team vids, but nothing funny. *sigh* #
- 17:23 I FAIL at typing today (probably b/c I was working on fic). That should've said HUMOROUS. #
- 18:03 Haz lost the interwebz connection *sigh* #
- 18:10 And now it's back #
- 20:57 @ ensredshirt - Unless you are wicked awesomesauce enough to tweet without interwebz, i'd say yes #
- 21:07 @ ensredshirt - Yeah, that's usually how it goes #
- 21:08 @ ensredshirt - You mean what company do we use? If so, it's Cox #
- 21:13 @ ensredshirt - LoL...yeah, mines only b/c I'm at work and the connection in the box is crappy. #
- 21:21 @ ensredshirt - Well, it's gotten better recently. And right now I'm in the office inside the store so it's the strongest possible connection #
- 21:50 @ ensredshirt - Sorry, just got home so had kittehs to take care of #
- 21:51 @ ensredshirt - Indeed it did. I was under the impression the only one affected by the twitpocalypse was Twitterific. #
- 21:51 @ ohlauren - NOT NOW! Night is when we thrive! #
- 21:54 Facebook nickname is dannysgirlsg1 now. Still now sure how I feel about the whole nickname thing, but I made sure I had my appropriate one. #
- 21:54 @ ensredshirt - Nope. TweetDeck is all well and good - if it survived last night's ep commentary, I think it's good! ;D #
- 21:55 @ ensredshirt @ohlauren - It's a very good question! #
- 22:01 @ ensredshirt - Yeah, it is. That's a good different, right?? ;D #
- 22:01 @ ensredshirt - Oh....about two hours of waaay too much to recap here! ;D #
- 22:06 @ ensredshirt - Thanks. AND, OMG, he's NOT a BEAR (Michael said the SAME thing right before the picture). Danny Lion is offended again! #
- 22:11 @ ensredshirt - Evolution P.1 and P.2. I'm sure you can imagine the fun we had with THOSE eps! ;) #
- 22:11 Alrighty, dinner time. I'll bbl #
- 22:50 @ ensredshirt - Danny Lion appreciates it. He doesn't like being called a bear. #
- 22:54 @ lkoutzas - Oh, I was talking about the SG-1 Evolution eps. The ones we all watched last night. #
- 22:55 @ ohlauren - LoL, I know what you mean. And good...eating is always good! #
- 22:57 @ ensredshirt - Eh, didn't eat much. Had a late lunch, so I'm not really hungry right now. #
- 22:58 @ ensredshirt - I was thinking I might go Blackberry as well. #
- 23:00 @ ohlauren - I do as well. #
- 23:01 How could Mean Girls possibly be trending and THE PRINCESS BRIDE isn't?! Epic movie fail, people. #
- 23:02 @ ensredshirt - That's only if I really NEED a new phone by that time my contract runs out. Right now I love my Alias...nicknamed Daniel II. #
- 23:03 @ ensredshirt - Well, it was around 7-ish central time. And I did eat a bunch of french fries just now for dinner. I have chips waiting... #
- 23:03 @ ensredshirt - ...in case I get hungry in a bit. #
- 23:05 @ ensredshirt - It's the black. Yes! When I got it, it was still just the U740 and everyone was damn fascinated by it! LoL. #
- 23:07 Smurfinator needs the comp for a little bit - again, bbs. #
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