different day, different kind of shit all the time
- 23:56 @ apndrgn @punslingerr - Touché! #
- 00:04 @ punslingerr - It came across that way to me. *shrugs* #
- 00:23 It is bad that I know Area 52's URL by heart now and don't actually have to go to Google to find it anymore? #
- 00:29 Alrighty then...I'm gonna go lay down. Today's stress has exhausted me...may be back. If not, night all! #
- 00:31 @ punslingerr - I wasn't a hardcore slasher, and then Ben kissed Shanks on stage and I finally understood! XP #
- 09:06 @ sorchamorrigan - Definitely agree you there. Such a Daniel of old moment when he just walks through the wall of fire w/ nothing but faith #
- 09:06 @ sorchamorrigan @ensredshirt - I've never had a SG-1 ringtone, but I LOOOOVE my Farscape one! XD #
- 09:07 Morning all! #
- 09:11 @ ensredshirt - How's things today? #
- 09:23 @ ensredshirt - Yay! That's always a good thing, #
- 09:31 @ ensredshirt - Good so far...got up a little while ago, enjoyed my kittehs being adorkable. #
- 09:38 @ ensredshirt - It's a fun little world that covers a whole spectrum of actions/people/kittehs! XD #
- 09:57 @ ensredshirt - It's a Twilight reference. #
- 09:58 @ ensredshirt - It is definitely part of my every day vocabulary now. Hell, even got Madre to start saying it! #
- 10:01 @ ensredshirt - Feel lucky then! #
- 10:09 @ ensredshirt - Ah yesm, something like that would! Personally, I have a love/hate relationship with the fandom that is Twiligh #
- 10:14 @ taralee2 - Yes, but love MY laptop took a crap so all those bookmarks are kinda USELESS atm! #
- 10:14 @ taralee2 - But they said they prefer something humorous....Stand is uplifting, though. #
- 10:15 @ taralee2 - He KNOWS he's gonna lose eventually, right? #
- 10:16 @ ensredshirt - Went from being uber cool to not so awesomesauce like THAT. *snirk* #
- 10:24 @ ensredshirt - That's how it goes with girls. #
- 10:25 @ ensredshirt - It's impossible to escape them these days. #
- 10:27 @ ensredshirt - We are a confusing, hard to interpret lot! ;D #
- 10:54 @ taralee2 - I figured you knew b/c it's on the Chicago page. #
- 10:54 @ taralee2 - *sighs and shakes head* #
- 10:55 @ taralee2 - Keep up now! #
- 11:00 Alrighty, tweeps - off to take Lord Danny to the computer doctors and see what the diagnosis is. #
- 12:38 Diagnosis: Fried hard drive, as suspected. Can get my stuff off of it, but will cost mucho dineros #
- 12:39 Anyone wanna donate to the Pip wants all her stuff from the fried hard drive fund?? *snirk* #
- 13:41 Gotta Be Somebody is probably one of my favoritest DV songs! XD #
- 13:45 Coincidence that S.E.X came up after Gotta Be Somebody on shuffle? Hmmmm, Remmie is hinting me thinks! #
- 16:00 @ ensredshirt @taralee2 @apndrgn - Thanks for all the well wishes...Lord Danny would appreciate it if he wasn't braindead atm! #
- 16:03 @ taralee2 - YES! Several OSTs that I only wanted ONE song from where album only...fuckers! Screw them, I'll just go out and BUY the OST! #
- 16:03 @ RenaissanceAsh - Oooooo, they haz a twitter?! So following! #
- 16:04 @ RenaissanceAsh - And here I was trying to AVOID Twilight (as hard as THAT is these days!) #
- 16:05 @ apndrgn - It's just like Daniel at the start of S.7! All his memories will be gone! (But can be retrieved eventually!) #
- 16:05 @ taralee2 - Oooooooo, you got prezzies too?! I wanna see them!!! #
- 16:06 @ taralee2 - He WILL live again (as is a Daniel's way!), it just might be awhile...but he WILL be back in action! #
- 16:07 @ taralee2 - Remmie has such a smutty DV brain. And I LOOOVES it. Only MY iPod would! #
- 16:38 @ punslingerr - It's as I had expected. I wasn't sure the information could even be retrieved, so it was actually a relief. #
- 16:39 @ medlam - Well, I watched the BN S.2 finale many times in one day, so I would say...probably yeah! *snirk* #
- 16:40 @ punslingerr - Alrighty, how about this: Lord Danny's gonna be all NAKED when they put a new brain in him. #
- 16:44 @ medlam - Indeed! Thought I'm already seriously missing Victor! He could've been so great as a continued recurring character! #
- 16:54 @ medlam - He is the master of crazy! I mean, award winning! (literally!) #
- 16:54 @ punslingerr - You make a good point, but I aim to please so I tried. #
- 17:01 @ medlam - Alrighty, how about some SG talk?? XP (Need just came on here!) #
- 17:01 Oh, the commentary that's been done to THIS episode too! Another one that's a favorite btwn myself and @taralee2! #
- 17:03 In fact, here's a sample of the fun had last time we watched: bit.ly/14PL3r #
- 17:03 @ medlam - Another perfect example of Shanks' fantabulastic acting skillz! #
- 17:05 @ medlam - Daniel addicted to the sarcophagus, if that's the episode you were thinking of? If not, maybe it was Legacy? #
- 17:08 Ewwww, it's SHYLA...evil little princess bitch. #
- 17:09 Ut oh, they got fake Jaffa - time to return them to the dealer and get the real deal! #
- 17:10 @ sorchamorrigan - Ah, so the feeling is mutual over Shyla?? I like it! #
- 17:11 According to Madre, they are pretend Jaffa...as in 'Now's the time to pretend...' (extra pts for those who know where the quote it from!) #
- 17:12 @ medlam - *snirk* This is where you stop before you hurt yourself! #
- 17:12 @ medlam - That is why you keep friends like us around to assist you! XD #
- 17:13 I need to slow down on tweeting or I'll be attacked by the Twitter Nazis again...cannot happen during NEED! #
- 17:14 @ sorchamorrigan - Huzzah for alliteration! ;D (And I agree on all points there!) #
- 17:18 @ medlam - Just leave the SG-1-ing to the experts. We won't lead you astray! #
- 17:20 @ medlam - THE EPIC STOREROOM SCENE OF AWESOMESAUCE! (half the reason this ep rocks so much!) #
- 17:21 "Whaaa-What?" (Nice response Daniel...I'd be totally WTFing over that destiny bullshit too!) #
- 17:26 Seriously, honey....get a better stylist b/c DAAAAMN, that dress is WAY UN-fabulous! #
- 17:28 DON'T get back in that sarcophagus, Daniel! Don't, Don't! Ah, dammit, he never listens to me! #
- 17:32 Wheeew boy, Daniel is TORE UP! #
- 17:36 You. do. not. love. her, Daniel! She got you high as frell, that is all. She's your DEALER (and a whore). #
- 17:43 Ewww, don't kiss her! #
- 17:44 This is where the fun begins #
- 17:46 "I WASN'T ASKING YOU!" #
- 17:53 The storage room scene! One of the greatest moments in the Jack/Daniel friendship! *clings to them* #
- 18:42 @ lkoutzas - Always have fun watching Sg-1! Unless it's Meridian...never have fun watching that episode! *sniff* Ewww, work! #
- 18:42 @ punslingerr - Because it's Skifficans and they have no coherent explanation. #
- 18:42 Shake N Bake - The most fun to be had preparing dinner! XP #
- 18:49 @ lkoutzas - Understandable #
- 18:50 @ punslingerr - I know they were showing Passions for a little while...who knows what they could decide to start showing next! #
- 18:56 DUDE, this is AWESOMESAUCE! : vimeo.com/5004494 (thanks @immaterialdepth!) #
- 18:56 @ immaterialdepth - The ONLY problem is NOW I wanna see the movie AGAIN! #
- 19:05 @ lkoutzas - It was put together impressively! (the vid) As for the movie, you NEED to see it! And no problem - love to share awesome things! #
- 20:04 Alrighty, tweeps - Madre needs to use the laptop. I'll bbl. #
- 23:48 @ ohlauren - You can get the novels at www.stargatenovels.com (at least the ones still in print) #
- 23:49 @ punslingerr - The SG-1 novels are VERY good, IMHO. I can't say for the SGA novels since I don't read them. #
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