different day, different kind of shit all the time
- 23:51 @ taralee2 - so THAT's what you call it... *innocent grin* #
- 00:20 @ immaterialdepth - My thoughts exactly!!! #
- 00:31 Want to reply to LJ comments, but am too tired. Bed now, and hopefully I can get to those comments in the morning before work... #
- 00:36 Sikozu is stealing the straws from my cup...again. She pulls them out, drops them on the floor, and then leaves them for me to step on... #
- 10:15 @ dvsquee - Ah, it'll only be for a little while! #
- 10:18 OH, and I LOVE how all my tweets yesterday were posted WAAAAY out of order - like, wicked bad! #
- 10:22 @ dvsquee - Bright side: I'll be seeing Angels & Demons (and possibly Star Trek again) ;P (but I miss you being in the same day as me too!) #
- 10:24 @ taralee2 -Dude, was it REALLY that many?!?! I've been meaning to do it myself, so dineros wise how bad was it? (or did you do it yourself?) #
- 11:11 JHCfjkshfkurkhadskd,! Food event tickets are up for bid!!! #
- 11:24 @ dvsquee - I was just thinking that! I'm sorry, love! Maybe you still can - b/c even though you're NOT in the US, you're still from there! #
- 11:24 Smurfinator is really the greatest at the most desperate moments! How I love him right now! #
- 11:27 @ dvsquee - yes, those were the ones. It's why I haven't bought any of the PO tickets yet. I KNEW these would be coming... #
- 11:36 @ dvsquee - No sellout. Auction. It ends Wednesday. #
- 11:40 @ dvsquee - I told you...that's why you needed to be prepared. #
- 12:06 @ dvsquee - You will be thinking different when you are actually there and missing out, believe me! #
- 12:07 @ immaterialdepth - I've been having some problems with my tweetdeck too, though I'm not sure how to fix it either... #
- 12:54 Awesomesauce is Sikozu hissing at me b/c i was wearing my kitty hat! *snirk* #
- 12:57 And it's box time again - will the interwebz work today?? #
- 13:00 Alas, it seems the interwebz will not be with me today... *sigh* #
- 13:02 Ah ha! I got a connection! #
- 13:58 @ poundpuppy29 - that's weird b/c I'm not having any problems at all... #
- 14:35 twitpic.com/5b1l1 - The box will make you crazy... #
- 14:39 @ CGF_Kat - Thanks! And huzzah for you feeling better! #
- 15:01 @ dvsquee - good - that bag of skittles you'll have will be depending on it! #
- 15:15 @ dvsquee - well, it'll be close to useless if you don't get a chance to show and explain! #
- 15:59 Never fails - I get food and a ton of people show up! #
- 16:02 @ LexaShmexa - Those doctors enjoying telling such lies, me thinks. Sorry you still have a wicked headache! #
- 16:03 @ taralee2 - Don't I know it. Just like when I'm on my favorite part of whatever I'm watching, i get people at all four pumps! #
- 16:04 Perfect examples of bad customer timing: When D'Argo is dying in PKW, when Mal is making is speech in Serenity, ALWAYS during THE SCENE. #
- 16:05 @ LexaShmexa - have you decided what to do/how to celebrate 666?? #
- 16:06 @ LexaShmexa - but I was under the impression the guys did ALL the yardwork?? #
- 16:08 I'm hearing voices - this would be weird if it didn't happen so often. Someone says 'Mandy' while at home all the time, even when I'm alone #
- 17:26 @ taralee2 - Would I have gotten extra points if I said coffee, or disqualified for cheating? *snirk* #
- 17:29 @ taralee2 - this is why you are awesomesauce! #
- 20:01 One hour left to go. #
- 20:19 @ taralee2 - Oh geeze. Did they show the Two Hour Commercial for Twos P.II trailer for before Star Trek for you? #
- 20:22 @ taralee2 - I thought of you when I saw it. But then I thought of Michael and that awesome moment in NJ, and you were forgotten... #
- 22:24 Shit, I just realized I broke the 1,000 twitters mark 21 twitters ago - do I get some sort of prize?? #
- 23:40 Of course! The INSTANT i open the book to start reading in bed, kitteh is here in my face and in the way...gotta love it! #
- 23:45 It's the little mistakes that piss me off the most - like Miami-Dade missing its 'e' #
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