Apr 07, 2006 16:17
*Well we are pretty much UNPACKED! Yay!! There are a few stray boxes that we need to find
places for their contents...but unpacked!!
*Yesterday we were up in Cullowhee cleaning the rental we were in...Ariana and Mrs. Cherry
came and helped us for a little bit!
*I rode home w/ Larey last night...I was so sleep deprived so therefor lots of laughing and stupid
rhymes! Like rhyming Winnie the Pooh character names w/ each other then going on and adding
more names/word that rhyme w/ them...see...stupid! Haha! FUN!
*Mom has laryngitis...whenever she needs help or something she whistles! And since she can
only whisper while you are talking to her you find yourself whispering back! Lol!
*Joshua REALLY wants me to play paintball...so this afternoon the boys MIGHT show me the
ropes! Oh, mom bought some PINK PAINTBALLS!! Some of you know the hilarious story
behind the pink paintball stuff...if you don’t comment then I’ll tell ya! *wink*
*I’m going to DT’S this afternoon! WOP WOP!! Well actually Mom, Larey, and I are
going...after a run to Wal*Mart.
*The weather is sooo pretty today!! Sunshine, light breeze, some more sunshine(!!), not to hot,
not to cold...*smile* *runs to put some flip flops on to wear to town*
*I love Grandma’s yams!! She made some last night...She and Grandad had a “farewell dinner”
for us...turkey and all the fixings...yummm!
*WMIT needs to play some different music...all their stuff is getting old.*frown*
*I want to get some more CD’s...
*O...I got a BEAUTIFUL belt as a going away present from my volunteer supervisor at the
hospital! It is leather(smells wonderful!) w/ a variety of pretty flowers sewn into it!
You are prolly bored reading this by now so I’ll TTYL! Love you all, -Bex- (aka- Rebekah,
Tigga, Girl, and Hun)