Feb 19, 2006 09:17
Saturday Feb 18, 10 PM
Yesterday after I left for the BBQ/footy game was fun. It was located behind like this Uni hang out center, where they had a bar and stuff, which is crazy, a school sponsored bar, anyway the golf course behind it was definitely reminding me of Jurrasic Park and one other girl actually said so too, it was funny. At first I thought, oh no, DB Americans giving us a bad rep, cause most of them were being loud and obnoxious, except for Pat, he was pretty laid back still, but mingling with the douches, and I didn't want to do that.
So, I saw these two dudes sitting by themselves drinking beer, and I thought, hey, I like to sit around and drink beer, so I pulled up a seat. One of them was named Nils and he was from Norway, and the other was Eric from Sweden. They'd rattle off in Norwegian/Swedish once in a while when they weren't sure what word to use to explain something, but I really was catching on to whatever they were talking about, language is so much more than just words. Anyway, they were awesome, especially Nils, we sat around discussing all the differences between our homes, here in Australia, and what we thought the other place would be like. Everything from weather, flights, price of beer, politics, computers, the whole shebang.
Anyway, then we went (or attempted to) get on the bus for the footy game... except we had no guide, all the Aussies from Macquarie had their own cars and were driving separate. So, Nils, Eric, Pat, and this other outgoing but kinda dumb and a total "that guy" American named Mike got the directions on what bus to take, how far to take it, which way to go when we got off, and what the place looked like. Good thing I'm always prepared and I carry a pen and paper on me at all times, cause we needed to write it down!
So we wait and wait for a bus, like 40 people, the majority Americans. Anyway the bus we need finally comes and we all pile on and the driver realizes that all but three of the people on the bus were going to the footy game, so she just dropped them off and drove us right to it! She made the whole bus promise we wouldn't tattle on her though. The game was pretty fun, they call American football "Gridiron" I thought that was pretty bad ass. Anyway, so this cocky older guy that was a fan of the opposing team, the Essendon... I don't remember their mascot but we were supposed to be rooting for the Sydney Swans. The Swan is such a viscious animal, good choice, Sydney. Anyway, so that guy explained all the rules to me and kind of Mike, but Mike was more like asking... and then not giving a damn what the guy said he just wanted to pretend like he wanted to know to try and impress the guy/other people. It was frustrating, the guy could see right through him too. Why do people have to be like that?
Anyway, we never actually met up with any official Macquarie guides or anything, and we'd all kind of got split up because the place was huge, and because a number of us had went to the bar and had a few drinks before hand (PS Merry I had Carlton! It was good!), so the Sasacatchewan (sp) men, Pat, and that Mike guy (he had a Swedish roommate too I don't remember his name, he falls in to the Sascatchewan men category) we all decide that it's high time we head back because that time sobering up in the sun, and the jet lag, and... everything had taken it out of us. We then realize... shit, we don't know how to get home. So we went to get a bite to eat to think it over. I wasn't really hungry because... I don't really eat once I start drinking, unless I start drinking at like 10 AM, then it's kind of necessary to eat at some point in the day. Anyway, Nils and Eric were roommates at some hostel further downtown, so they decided they would take a cab back to it, and we thought... well there are four of us, we could probably split a cab too, because the other guys lived in the general MQ campus area too. I got Nils' email though, so we'll link up and hang out again now that I have a cell phone.
Our Cabbie was this NOT talkative Korean guy named Andrew. I'm 90% sure he didn't want to talk to us because he heard Mike talking. Anyway, Mike seem a little better on the ride home because he had stopped trying to impress us so much I guess, and I finally got to start dropping some good bad jokes, like usual. His bad jokes were just bad. Anyway, got back, came in here, it was hot, and I crashed.
Today I woke up totally rested at like 7 and thought "No! I am not going to get on this sleep schedule!" and then made myself sleep for another couple hours. Then I got up, took a glorious shower, PS Merry was right that after I got off the plane all I would want to do was shower, and that shower was magfantabulous. Then, went over to Pat's balcony, yelled "Hey Pat!" like five times and finally gave up and whipped a stick up at his window. That got him up. Anyway, we wanted to go try to get some stuff from the super huge mall sorta thing right across the road. It's huge! Anyway, we got some stuff from there, for example, phones, PS, people call me at "0407285991" the Australian country code is 011. Call me!
Then a trip to the library to try and catch people online to talk to a little and get some emails, in particular, Angela's number.
I went back to that complex again later with Megan because I think she needed some company and a funny thing happened with that phone today, it cost 99 AUD and came w/ 10 prepaid minutes, anyway, I wrote Angela a text and then put it in my pocket... well I never locked the keys, so it kept hitting the button and sent that text 38 times. it spent up allll my 10 prepaid dollars, haha! So there was this huge, amazing, breath-taking thunderstorm going on and it was just starting to let up a little, and there was a break in the clouds coming, and it was like 4:58, and I knew the phone store where I could get it recharged would close at five, so I ran off, in the rain! Too late! I was soaked too, so I sulked back over to Megan's to tell her what happened plus I wanted to see if I could send an email out to Angela about what happened (she bought the internet for her place, cost a pretty penny!), anyway she told me I could just call and get new credits with my credit card! Hooray! I got all wet and stuff, but ah well! Anyway, she finally got a roommate, a girl from State who already has re-boyfriended an Aussie that went to MSU for a semester, and, I'm guessing she dated there.
Anyway after that I went to see what Pat was up to, and he wasn't there, but he got a new roommate too, a guy named Jay from MSU too! So anyway, he was doing all his laundry and wanted to go to buy some food so I let him borrow a shirt and we headed off to try and get PB and J and Beer, you know, the essentials. Nobody in that giant mall sells beer! WTF! Well we came back here and made the sandwiches and drank OJ instead of beer, Megan came over and we all hung out and I felt pretty cool that we were all hanging out at my place because... it felt nice, kind of like home, how people like to hang out at my place, haha.
When I wake up I think I'll take a shower and then head to the library to post this and see who's online at whatever the hell time that will be in Michigan!
This update is ridiculous and you don't actually have to read it, I'm more documenting it for me or the people that REALLY care. Plus I know that I use "So, Anyway, Then" way too much linking it all together, and it's probably hard to read, but don't pick on me or else I'll cry like a baby!
P.S. Still no roommates unless you count the lizard (photo to prove it) or the cockroaches (dead one to prove it).