Dec 15, 2010 23:38
Saw an awesome movie tonight that I was looking forward to.
But sad because I couldn't find any friends to see it with after asking pretty much EVERYONE I know who had any interest in that genre.
Ok to be fair, this was a last minute deal on a work night. But I'd have thought at least 1 person, if not a close friend, maybe just an acquaintance, would be interested. It was an advanced screening to what is certain to be a very popular film!
Why is it so hard to find people to go to movies with me? I'm 0-3 this fall in getting any company. Don't even need to keep score. I've seen all of 1 movie with 1 friend all year.
And its not like people don't know I want to see them. I've made that abundantly clear. And they go out and see them without me with other people, so its not like they didn't want to go anyway. They just don't want to go with me.
Very difficult to stay positive when life just keeps pointing out ways my life just sucks, despite my working as hard as I can to try and improve things.