Dec 15, 2010 23:23
Got 3 projects to end/start the new year.
All of them are major deals for me.
I said I wanted a second job to burn off all this time I have and get my mind off of things. Well, after no luck finding a paying job, I'm going to create my own as my own boss so to speak. Well, I'm pursuing one.
The first big job is taking my NaNoWriMo story and making it into a comic book type format.
Writing the story was easy. For the first time in my life, I sat down and pushed out a book from start to finish. The prose is sucky. I keep repeating things. But I liked the idea. And after talking to Erica about it, she said it would be a great graphic novel because of the way I think about it. And considering it, she is right. I wrote it by imagining various scenes visually and then trying to write the story to describe those scenes. So I'm basically adding a step to what I should have done at the start, and do the story visually. Also greatly cuts down on dialog, which I found I'm not all that great at!
I don't know if my skills will be up to the task. I drew a LOT as a kid and all through high school. I was the best student in my art classes. But I pretty much stopped when I got to college and haven't done a thing with it.
Being around all these creative people has given me a bit of the bug again.
Comic book art can be simple or complex. I'm aiming for something black and white and simpler.
To motivate me and make sure I stick with my goal, I already mailed registration and payment to MegaCon to sell it. I now have a 3 month deadline to get this finished. Very doable and gets me motivated financially, and puts me in a professional mindset to get it done.
This will be my 2nd job, and it actually has the potential to pay.
I just hope I can find someone to help me a bit to do it. Will need someone to go down to Orlando with me. I can't stay in the booth 24/7. If I have an actual product, I need to network it too. Megacon is a comic book convention. I know they sell there. I saw it happen.
Its a realistic dream.
Project 2 is my pilot's license. I'm going to take my first lessons soon. Already scheduled my FAA exam for this Saturday.
Project 3 is a costume or few for conventions. Working on a Harry Dresden outfit. Also want to get top for my satyr ears outfit, and monk robes. That gives me 3 different things, all pretty cool I hope.
Crossing fingers. Be nice to get some feedback and support from people as I crash ahead. Lots of changes in my life as I try and mold my future by myself and make it what I want it to be.