Oct 07, 2006 15:03
This would be a good place to keep a dream diary. I can't organise the notepad files on my computer to save my life. This is a freaky dream I had about five or six months ago. Not a nightmare, though it reads like one, but the emotional content wasn't nightmary. Just scary. I always thought it could make a nice, short, horror film. Anyway, for the sake of getting it down on paper: Horror on the 53.
I'm riding the bus. It's sunny out and we're travelling leisurely down a country lane (like the ones in Little Crosby, not far from my house). We approach a deep bend when an ambulance comes into view. The bus slows, either to move past or to let us all gawp at the scene, not sure. No sign of an accident but there are two paramedics fussing with a stretcher and the covered form lying on top of it. For some reason both men leave around the side of the ambulance leaving us feet away from this dead person. Suddenly the stretcher lurches upright, letting the sheet fall away revealing a woman strapped to it. Bound. She's dead. But not quite. She glares at me and somehow the stretcher walks on it's hind legs(?)/wheels to the front of the bus. No one else seems to notice or is worried. She slams her way through the double-doors at the front, dragging her hulking metal stretcher-body. She grabs the bars and railings and drags towards me. Hiss of metal on plastic floor. I want to look away, but my body won't move. I manage to twist my head and suddenly become aware of two girls sitting behind me. Blonde. Twins. 8 years old. They whisper in my turned ear.
"Keep looking, Dan, this is the best part"
She comes closer, drooling, wailing. Mad.
Dream ends.