Jan 13, 2006 03:00
I've just reformatted my entire LJ theme and it was a waste of time, but still really exciting! I didn't know we could have the option of 6 user pics now...how cool is that?
Anyway, its been a good week so far. I've been really chipper, and I forgot that I could be that way here after last semester. Last semester was rough, man, but I just have a positive outlook for the coming weeks...I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I think I've turned over a new leaf. I can't control my circumstances, but I can control how I handle them. Instead of getting stressed out, why not just let things go? I can't remember of anything that I got stressed out about in the last 4 years that benefited from my frustration. Its pointless. We all know how I like to be in control, so this will be a challenge to just let things go, but, as I said, I think I've turned over a new leaf.
So much for redundancy. My goal of gaining 10 pounds over break was somewhat appeased. I gained about 5...not bad for being away from the gym for over a week while in NYC :-) I hope I can continue working out now that I'm back here. Bethany and I found a common time to work out and it will get me out of bed too, so I'm killing two birds with one stone. I always feel tremendously guilty for sleeping in, as much as I try not to. By sleeping in, I mean getting about 8 hours of sleep...I guess I just stay up too late. And look, its 3.06 am. I run on a different schedule than the world!
On that note, I think i'll hop in the sack, but I know you're impressed I'm keeping up with this updating ordeal.
au revoir, mes amis