Mar 08, 2006 22:41
that guy i was talking about ya that was definantly austin... i dumped him ya wise choice ha ha he asked me out like a billion times after that but i kept saying no.... anyways my best friend is leslie and we took those pics around town on sunday so yay... pics of lets see the year is almost over YAY im so excited..... if i pass all my classes by senior year i will bea half credit ova..... i like a new guy his name is definantly john ha ha me and johns wow thats crazy i always like johns... but he is sooo cute.... except he is the guy that cheated on his gf with me.... tyler well tylers ex gf's best friends ex boyfriend ha ha its crazy..... i cleaned out my car the other day... wow thatwas a wierd thing. i could actually see the floor. i got a buncha stickers from the smoke shop... which was a wierd story cause people under 18 arent even suppose to go in there but i went there with friends and it turned out i knew everyone that worked there anyways so it wouldnt have mattered. life is good im guna be in a fashion show on friday i was in another fashion show last in jan. it was fun! thats where i met tyler. the guy that cheated on his gf with me... and thats how i met john lol. i love life ha ha. anyways im good ur good. cool!!!!
i feel alright... the parties here on th