Jan 06, 2005 20:40
The story of my relationship with my mom is a rather embarrassing one. Alot of people know I'm a spoiled brat. What they don't know is how that happened...well some people do.
My mother is one of those amazingly overbearing people. Everything has to be done her way and in her time frame to her specifications. If it is not, there's hell to pay. The hell is in the form of her screaming. I have no problem being yelled at, but it's the frequency of her voice...it actually hurts, like nails on a chalkboard. And she'll scream for an hour straight about whatever she can think of. It's torture. She does it until all around her yield. Growing up, I have tried many times to take the initiative to learn self-maintenance. How to cook, clean, wash my clothes, etc. She would yell at me when I tried to do something because it wasn't perfect for her...like I would try to wash my clothes at 3PM, but she was gonna do her wash at 4:30 because she was vacuuming at 3. This would cause her to scream and use petty torture to get a submission. Eventually she would wash my clothes while I slept so I wouldn't have the chance to do it. This type of behavior has made me give up. So post-script, I never learned how to do it.
This chance to have my own life has arised here in Buffalo and it excites me. SHe is trying everything in her power to cut my nuts off and stop me from going. I've done the math and I can afford it. She called me today to yell at me about the money, little did she know I figured everything in. I had all of the numbers crunched already. Mine were accurate while hers, let's just say were not...$250 for food....uh no, I don't eat $250 in food for a week...WE don't eat $250 a week in food. NTM, she won't buy Ramen noodles or generic brands. Only name brands. She never buys quantity, only supermarket retail. The cost of living is cheaper out here and my income would be higher, it's really rather simple. I have fallen 12K behind on Long Island. I can pay that off with living in Buffalo and going out every fri and sat night within a year...and then....start a nest egg. At 30 I'm ready to take my life over and this neurotic woman is trying to prevent me. I wonder what she's gonna pull when i get home. I don't think I'll be there very long. I might just sink or swim up here. Come home, move in and hope for the best. I'm hoping my friends up here will be patient as I learn how to take care of myself.