Oct 22, 2006 23:01
(Sunday, 22 October 2006)
I really hate U of L sometimes. Even though I'm covered by my father's health insurance policy (which is Fortune 500 with all the perks) my university decided to assess me a 100$ fee for health services. I never asked for and certainly have no need for their mediocre policy. The fee might as well be another donation to U of L I'll never benefit from. They already charge each student a little-known 50$ fee each semester that goes straight to the athletics department to use however they see fit. I frankly don't give a damn about U of L intercollegiate sports. I've never even attended a sporting match with U of L as a side. I enrolled with the vain hope that I might receive a decent education, social opportunities and career guidance. The educational experience has been very hit or miss here. A few classes have interested me and forced me out of my comfort zone. For such classes I have been grateful. A majority of my classes, however, haven't been worth sitting through. The social opportunities here, I must confess, are much improved from my time at Hanover College. I'm not sure I should credit the university so much as I should credit the city of Louisville for this. I suppose experiencing a lack of guidance is nothing to be unexpected at a school with over 20,000 undergrads. I would have appreciated having a functioning major advisor who could have told me that taking French 142 last summer would be pointless. She told me that it would speed up my graduation date and fufill my foriegn language requirenment. Following my hell month of five days a week 8:00Am-12:00pm French lessons this summer, neither claim proved to be true. Not to mention I had to pay 800$ and sacrifice time I could have been working.
So, as I figure it U of L owes me at least...
100$ (For unwanted/unused health services) +
50$(x 8) (For athletics department fees I've never asked for/benefited from) +
800$ (For that unless class)