Mar 11, 2008 22:53
I'm about 75% sure I'm not getting into Festival this year, given how callbacks went tonight. Not that they went poorly, or that I'm positive it's not happening. But I only got called back for two roles, and this is how the evening went:
6:00 - Report in for A History of Bad Ideas callback with Joe and Greg. This went extremely well. I read with Ethan and Rolling, and both of them are great scene partners, so I got invited back to the 9:15 smaller group at the end of the night.
8:30 - Finally get inserted into 7 Dreams of Her callbacks, but all we have time to do before I go back to History is a brief little game that has nothing to do with the play. But I figure we're coming back at 10 to read sides, so all will be well.
9:15 - Back to History, where I proceed to sit around and do nothing for 40 minutes. This is time during which I could have been reading my butt off for the Sarahs in charge of 7 Dreams, but instead I'm making chit chat in a hallway and being antcy. I finally read once with David Russell and am told by Joe that it's really going to depend on the male they cast as to how the female in the show gets cast. Sorry.
10:00 - Run back to 7 Dreams, where I read one side and hear director-Sarah say, "Ok, so we're good with you guys... (awkward pause)... unless Tori has more sides for you...?" Yes, she does, but I get the distinct feeling they've cast this show in the last hour and a half that we were gone at History. I do my other side with Alex Elliott Funk, which is a blast. Good chemistry, solid choices, and I was able to personalize the scene really quickly. But I got this vibe from the director and playwright that they were done before we even got in the room. Which SUCKS, because I think I'd not only love working on that show, but I'd also be good in it. I'm out of the building at 10:35.
So that was my night. I would really love to do either of these shows. They're very different and have tons of potential in their own ways, but the odds are just not in my favor. The sheer number of women called back with me is mind-blowing. But who knows, right? I just can't stand the idea of not doing another show here. It will really break my heart if that's what happens, because corny as it is, no one wants this more than I do. Guaranteed. And it will be a nightmare living in the department for the next two months if I'm not a part of festival. I know I'll end up crewing and being horrendously jealous and miserable backstage, but it's better than being horrendously jealous, miserable, and not working on a show at all, right? I don't know.
And so commences the freakout.