The Saga Continues

Nov 15, 2006 11:01

More updates:

Chapter 18 of Grim Mistress has been added. You can read it at:

Chapter 2 of Time to Trust has also been added. You can read it at:

The next chapters for both of those stories (the LAST for Grim Mistress) are in queue. So, those should be posted in a week or so.

Otherwise, in life the saga really does continue. It seems that I'm at some sort of transitional point. Some things are the same: a play is going on, issues with friends continue, work is work. But either there are new facets to these issues or my feelings about them have altered.

I'm not in the play. I'm still working in the theater every night, but I'm not in the play. It's strange. And strangely liberating. And more and less satisfying simultaneously.

I'm writing plays again. This next Drawn & Quartered, I'm going to try an ongoing play theme. Actually, I'm going to try two. I have decided to explore two very personal facets of my life and integrate them into my writing as a series. I'm going to write two series (is that the plural?) leading up to DQI: childhood plays and dream plays. Each will be titled as part of a sequence: Childhood Play # 1, Dream Play #87. Then, if any of those plays wind up in the show, they will still have their original title. So, I could wind up doing Childhood Play # 26 and Dream Play # 2. And maybe it will lead to questions from curious audience members as to what happened to the rest.

Maybe eventually I'll work something like this into fanfiction... Drabbles probably.

I'll still write other plays, too, but I'm definitely going to challenge myself with this framework... just to see where it takes me.

Situations with friends are strange right now... And transitions are happening, some that I welcome, some that I don't, and some that I accept.

I'm reinstating bonds with an old friend and his new wife. To that end, I've been attending religious-oriented events with them: church, Damascus Road, Bible study (which I haven't attended yet, but will be freqenting starting soon). I am not religious. I've always been spiritual in some way, but never religious.

But then I had this dream... I won't go into it here. (It is, however, Dream Play #2.) But it made me wonder if maybe I'm at a transitional point spiritually. I don't know. I guess I figure I'll continue exploring and learning and trying to be open to new possibilities.

I'm not going to Boston.

Not yet.

I don't have the money. At all. Money is scary, scary, scary right now. Hello, Student Loans.
I don't want to leave ITP. Yes, I know I could still be in ITP from Boston. But it wouldn't be the same. I wouldn't be working on as many shows, and I certainly wouldn't be helping shape where the company is going. Because it, too, is in a transitional period.
I don't want to start over again. I'm not brave enough. Yet.

And all the WRITING I've been doing lately has made me question rather or not I really want to do PUBLISHING at this point. Maybe I should explore the former before moving into the latter.

But I will go. One way or another. Someday. Some day that isn't now.

Someday... the most contradictory word in the language.
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