A Time to Trust

Nov 08, 2006 09:33

And yet more exciting news! My newest fic, A Time to Trust, has been posted on Ashwinder, too.

A Time to Trust
A Time-Turner accident sends Hermione back to June, 1980. She meets Snape at a pivotal point in his life. They learn about trust while uncovering Horcrux secrets, making ties that will last forever, and setting the wheels in motion for future events.
Read it at:

That's just the first chapter. The second is in queue.

Here are my current writing plans:
-Dirty Dozen Challenge: I've written most of this one-shot. It's not MY usual pairing. Although I've explored Charlie/Hermione before, it doesn't move me like the infamous WIKTT pairing does. But the twelve words issued by the challenge sparked this story for me. Sorry, Sev! Anyway, once it's posted, there will be a hippogriff, some fluffy slippers, nine other things, and, of course, the vibrator.
If anyone wants to beta this, let me know. I could always use another pair of eyes.
-A Time to Trust: I need to finish writing chapter four. Two is in queue. Three will go up after that. I've written about half or 2/3 of the chapter, and my lovely beta, Sophi, has fixed my errors up to that point. But it's turning out to be a HARD chapter to write. Oh well, it's next on the agenda anyway.
-Grim Mistress: Write the supposed last chapter. Yikes! After working on this fic for TWO YEARS (off and on), I'm scared to finish it. It got a lot of hype once upon a time, and then I put it on a long hiatus. Now, I feel like I have to make it worth the readers' time to come back to it. And then I'm just going to STOP? It feels strange to stop so quickly after returning. Oh well... It'll be exciting to have this fic done. It has meant a lot to me. But I'm not going to finish it until the other stuff I mentioned is done. I guess I'll savor it for a while.

Thanks for reading. Enjoy!
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