happy happy joy joy

Aug 15, 2008 16:07

So since the last couple of entries have been all sad and panicky this one will be filled with good things that have happened that I haven't mentioned.

- I took my mother to see The Dark Knight and I'm glad she liked it since it was her late, late Mother's Day Gift (This year the theme was dates with mom. We made her kindergarten cards with the whole construction paper, glue, glitter, and crayon thing. Inside my sister made her a fake ticket for their date to go to the Reba concert and I made her a movie ticket and receipt for our date of dinner and movie.)

- My sister and I went to go see Stone Temple Pilots the other day. We had center floor seats so lots of fun and loudness and singing and just all around general fun. It was a good show, even with the fact that quite a few people were smoking inside the building and not just cigarettes. >.<

- We (my sister and I) just paid off on two loans. Heh, so now I can die with less money being owed. XP

- Last doctor checkup my mother had the doctor said she seemed like she was doing very good, even lost some weight so everything is happy with my mother's health.

- Hit a good amount of money saved up for the new/updated computer. Soon internet, soon.

- I made a wonderful bread pudding for my sister for her birthday. The red velvet cake was okay. First time I made it so I can do better, I think.

- My birthday is soon and I get to be old! X3

Your result for The Supervillain Archetype Test...
The Megalomaniac

Ambitious, Intelligent, Calculating

The Megalomaniac is the most prestigious of super-villain classes. If anyone is ever going to rule the world, it will probably be you.

Your main goal in life is power and domination, you have the tools to do it, and you know it. Megalomaniacs are intelligent and forceful, and they tend not to let their emotions cloud their judgment. Most of the time. They are usually found, or not found, working at the top of a huge structured organization, though many prefer to work by themselves.

The Megalomaniac has but one flaw, but its an invariably fatal one; arrogance. He knows that he can take over the world, and he isn't afraid to let you know, often elaborately and in great detail. They often do not foresee the fly in their ointment, because they do not want to admit that such a fly could exist.

Sample Megalomaniacs: Dr. Doom, Lex Luthor, Ras al'Ghul, Kang the Conqueror, Emperor Palpatine, Brain

Take The Supervillain Archetype Test at HelloQuizzy

You are an Airbender!

The Sky Bison taught the first airbenders how to bend the air around them. While they cannot fly, airbenders can soar in the air for long distances by using a glider. Most important to airbenders is the concept of non-aggression. When they fight, they do not attack but defend themselves through circular movements that confuse their opponents.

Which Element do you Bend?

Your result for What Mage Are You?...

"You can reduce anything to the same element."

Alchemists are interested in maintaining harmony in every aspect of their lives. They are a peaceful and easygoing people who adopt a "live and let live" approach to life. They enjoy taking things at their own pace and tend to live in the moment. Although quiet, they are pleasant, considerate, and caring, devoted to the people in their lives. Though not inclined to debate or necessarily even air their views, their values are important to them. They are very observant. Friends and family are likely to describe them as thoughtful and trustworthy.

They are extremely sensitive to their environment, attuned to the perceptions of their five senses even more than other sensing types are. They notice little variations in their physical world or in the people around them. They are very sensitive to balance and understand well what does or does not fit, whether in a work of art or any other aspect of their lives. Alchemists are highly conscious of their companions, but they prefer to allow others to direct their own lives. They tend to be emotionally well rounded and empathetic toward others.

Alchemists are most concerned with taking care of people by keeping them safe and secure. They are modest caretakers who do not demand credit or thanks for their efforts. But while they are essentially very compassionate-and in fact exercise more patience - their shyness with strangers can lead others to misread them as standoffish. Only among friends and family may this quiet type feel comfortable speaking freely. They enjoy taking care of others - they do not enjoy giving orders.

Active in fields from ancient biotechnology to combining and creating mixtures, the Alchemist strives only to perfect their biotechnology, and in the end, to successfully summon a homunculus. The potions they brew can bring someone from the edge of death and eat away at the armor of the body and soul. Their biotechnology also allows for the temporary summoning of monsters to help in battle. Daily they gather material and research, in order to create biotechnology's greatest advantages: the homunculus.

Take What Mage Are You? at HelloQuizzy

The SEME or UKE Quiz
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as The Breaker SEME
You are the most imaginative, helpful, and strong-hearted SEME out there. You can be quiet and helpful at the same time which is a rarity. You're good at listening to others and you don't deny their ideas. One thing you can't stand is seeing someone sad, crying, or otherwise unhappy. Those who think you're shy aren't always the most right but it's true you don't need to talk much unless you have something important to say. You would be paired with the Sorrowful UKE because everyone needs a shoulder to cry on and you're just the guy/gal for the job. It's best to avoid the Homicidal SEME but even if you do that it's easy for someone as calm and helpful as you to get mixed up in the schemes of the certain Devilish UKE. You are truly best placed with the Gentle SEME as a buddy. For my last info, I have to say that you really don't mind and will go with the flow - whatever your partner is into is fine by you but considering who you're best matched with I'd say that they'd be too scared to do anything out of the ordinary. Give them a little nudge to let 'em know it's alright, okay?

The Breaker SEME

The Devilish UKE

The Optimistic UKE

The Sorrowful UKE

The Gentle SEME

The Homicidal SEME


Do you have an inclination for BDSM?
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Submissive
(((Note: This quiz is not totally comprehensive because of the length such a quiz would be. I kept it sex-based because I felt that psychological profiles and motivations were too complicated and vary too greatly among people that practice BDSM.)))

It feels good to serve. A lack of control in the bedroom can be fun and relaxing. Being with a dominant person wouldn't be a bad idea.



Exhibitionist / Voyeur




Degradation Lover





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