...I am so fricking pissed off.

Oct 30, 2008 14:58

Dear UPS,

You try and deliver a package. I'm not there. You leave a notice. Annoying, but that's all right. I sign the thing, leave it on the mailbox, and head to work.

I go to work only to find out you tried to deliver it a second time and DID NOT DELIVER IT TO MY APARTMENT. Oh no, you said, no signature, you said. I find out from my roommate that you actually MOVED MY SIGNED NOTICE to stick up a NEW ONE.

I call you and ask you to redirect it to my office; I'll be there to sign for it. That'll take a day, oh, okay, that's fine. I wait a day, since I'm at home anyway and wouldn't be there besides.

I come into the office today, call and make sure yup, on the truck coming out to me today. YAY truck. A UPS delivery comes in, no sign of MY stuff. Okay, I say, I look on the status page...

NOVEMBER 4th, now? WHAT?!

I call to see WTF is going on that it'll take literally a WEEK to get from NJ to NY when I make this trip TWICE A MOTHER BOTHERING DAY and find out that oh no, it takes a week. WHAT? Oh, no, it's only supposed to take a day.

But it's in Illinois.


"Can you tell them to send it back? You know, ON THE DOUBLE since you screwed up?"

"No, cause it's at a hub that we can't communicate with. We just have to wait until it gets to its destination before we can contact them."

WHAT? You have to let it get to who knows where before you send it back to me? I have to wait a WEEK because you yahoos can't keep your shit straight? I... I.... I'm just... WHAT?! HOW DOES THAT EVEN MAKE SENSE?! No, really, how? How does that-- DUDE, even you admit it should have just been a quick one day trip to NY. And your site still says it's going to NY. SO WHAT THE FUCK ILLINOIS?!

"I need the box for the trip I'm taking in four days. I won't be HERE to sign for the box on Nov 4th."

"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do."

"Is there anything you can do to make it up? Issue some sort of shipping credit?"

"You'll have to contact the shipper."

WHAT?! The store I bought from, who sent it perfectly fine, who did nothing wrong, has to give me back money because you stupid fuckers can't tell your ass from a hole in the ground in ILLINOIS?!

"Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"Obviously not."


And this, UPS, is why you suck barbed lion cock. Seriously.

Absolutely no love,

i hate everything right now, fucking depression, ups, gaaaaarg, screaming crimson rage

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