i am a big fan of the phillip k dick adapted films. i enjoyed minority report and paycheck was okay, but blade runner is one of my favorite films of all time.
a scanner darkly will be the newest one to come along. however, i'm excited but cautious. it's directed by richard linklater. who has a very creative style that became popular with his film about dreams and the philosophy of the mind called
waking life. i genuinely like some parts about waking life: getting people interested in how the mind works and the current specualtions about dreams and our sub-concious and concious roles in them, and i liked the visual style to a point. the story was sort of a documentary with a loose plot. before sunrise and before susnset play a role in waking life, and on their own they're fine films. slacker is considered a classic and school of rock was the probably my favorite film of last year. i could also care less about dazed and confused. but i seem to be concentrating on waking life because scanner darkly uses the same visual style and the plot and themes are far more abstract than the other films he has done not incorporating that visual style. and i fear that plot in this new film may be hamfisted to death. however i'll be seeing it as soon as it's released.