Jan 27, 2011 06:53
Quote of the Day:
Sh: You're not supposed to talk about sacrificing students anymore! You'll scare him.
D: I doubt he's afraid of me. And, you know, since I reformed the fax machine broke.
Sh: I...this is true.
Student: Uhm, why are you guys looking at me?
So my side has had a strange ache that I've kind of ignored as either muscle or digestion oddity. After having forty eight straight hours of heartburn that kept me awake I went to the Dr and said, what's up?
They poked me in the ribs and said "could be your gallbladder." So I'm waiting on blood tests.
Still haven't heard back from the two interviews I did late last week and on Monday. I don't have a lot of hope. But it'd be nice.
Got my book for book club and a perfume sampler of Last Unicorn themed scents from Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab. I ordered directly through them, because they seemed every so slightly more competent than Conlan Press. Barely. They still are kind of facepalmingly foolish in some of their practices, like telling you on the NEWS page instead of the main page (in small italic type that I'm sure makes them feel ~*special*~ and *~*~mystical~*~*) or the order page, or product pages that you're not supposed to use the checkout system for paypal orders.
Whatever, small businesses, what can you do? Soon I'll have my Last Unicorn comic despite Conlan Press's best efforts to always prove me wrong in trusting them to not f--- up an order again. Amazon always treats me right.