Quote of the Day:
D: And there's a bit of deviant sex in this book, but it's not as lurid as that one guy you like uhmm...
W: Banks?
D: No the other one the deviant guy...silver...silver...Shel Silverstein...? No! Sm Stirling!
W: ...Shel Silverstein?
"The Giving Tree" is a retarded ass book, anyway.
So the Slate had
a cool article recently on whether it's cheaper to bake or buy. They had some links to recipes for bagels and granola and mentioned how easy it is to make yogurt. And since Saturday is breakfast day. And since I didn't feel like nannerpuss and making pancakes, I was all "heck yeah, let's do this thing."
So, I made cinnamon rolls, which had nothing to do with that article but were good. I have a nice recipe that you make up the night before, do a slow raise in the fridge, bring back to room temp to raise them the rest of the way and bake them. Even use the bread machine to make the dough. They were well received.
The yogurt I made mostly because last week gallons of milk were cheaper than halves. With a quart of nearly sour milk facing me I decided to do the yogurt. It actually turned out, and I was impressed. It wasn't as heavenly as they described it in the article, but then I made it with skim milk without any extra dry milk powder. I skimmed and drained off the whey and used that to make the bagels.
I did not use the recipe for granola that they provided, I modified the one from
Joy of Baking, one of my favorite recipe sites. I did not have the "right" oats, and I made it in my metal pan instead of one of my stoneware pans so it scorched but it is certainly edible. Unscorched it would be quite good, as it is it retains a foodloaf-like gnawability.
Of course, the reason I don't eat granola despite liking it, is that gnawing on it totally mucks up my jaw. MY JAW IS TOTALLY MUCKED UP, THANK YOU THE SLATE!
I took three Ibuprofen and a sleeping pill and hopefully in the morning my jaw will be better enough to enjoy the bagels I made. I had a fresh tiny bagel, it was...a bagel! Fresh and piping hot and coated in roasted sesame seeds (buy your iri goma at your nearest asian market - Fujiya for the win - they're cheaper there.) I might try a different recipe, but it was certainly a bagel - not a roll as I'd been afraid might happen.