I can't say no...

Dec 20, 2008 21:29

Just woke up 20 minutes ago - slept about 9 or 10 hours. everytime i wake up i have to hack my head off, and then i'm pretty much fine.

had 7 voicemails and three text messages from a bootycall. seriously? that's a lot - lesson, if you call me, don't do it a bajillion times!

Then my phone died, and while it was down I missed a call. Voicemail was the assistant manager at my store - the main 3rd shift person called in, and since i'm the only other 3rd shifter, they called me. despite the fact that I asked off for tonight since I have the family Christmas tomorrow.

I wanted to say no, and really thought about it before I called, and then decided that an extra day would knock me into overtime for the second week in a row and I really need that money. And since I am already awake, I said yes.


wow, tagging this entry was such a wrong experience.

work, sleep, sex, family

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