Aug 17, 2009 00:35
Yesterday (it's so weird to say yesterday when it's only been a few hours ago since the new day started) my brother and I had lunch with my dad at Galerías Pacífico, the only shoping mall which isn't crowded on a Sunday. It's weird to meet my Dad in Buenos Aires on a weekend, but this time was an exception: he had come because Gladys (his wife) wanted to visit her mother (which doesn't get along at all with my Dad...or anybody, in fact:P), so he decided to drop her off with Vicky and then visit had been a week since the last thay we had seen each other!
After having lunch (and coffee), my Dad ask Santiago and me if we had something else to do, and as neither of us wanted to spend our Sunday studying, we decided to go for a walk. We wandered through Lavalle, Florida and Reconquista, which are pedestrian streets (is it said in that way?). The first one is well known for its cinemas, galleries with stores that sell CD's/music-related merchandising and cheap barbecue places. Florida has bookstores, hotels, tango shows and shops where they sell leather clothing for tourists. Reconquista has fancy hotels as well (okay, the whole neighbourhood of Retiro does- there you'll find the Sheraton Hotel, the Marriott Plaza, the Four Seasons and the Sofitel), but is famous for nother thing- irish pubs!There's THE place to celebrate St. Patrick's!It's a pity I didn't take any pictures, the pubs are very cool and well decorated:D. We also went to Harrod's, or what's left of it...yeah, we used to have a Harrod's, but it went bankrupt some time ago (I think I wasn't even born) and now there's only the building, which is used on special these days it's being used, actually, because of the International Tango Festival, who's just started a few days ago. So we got to see some tango shows and stores that sell tango shoes, which imho are the most comfortable thing to wear. I have a pair back from when I was meaning to learn how to dance, but I quit after a few classes due to my stupid ex-boyfriend...long story anyway, and doesn't matter now, but bumping into this reminded me I want to restart those classes so badly, even if I got two left feet^^'
In the end, it was a nice walk, a bit nostalgic though, 'cause my Dad used to live in that area when he first move to Buenos Aires as a college student, so he had an anecdote for every single place we passed by...I realised you never get to know enough of your parents, and it was very meaningful that he was sharing that guided tour to his past with me, 'cause he usually doesn't like to talk about it...I never thought a Sunday could be so special!:)