Oct 31, 2009 14:18
Yup, ladies and gentleman, I've been invited to a Halloween party! If I think about it, it's not that weird, as it's getting quite popular to "steal" that tradition here to have an excuse to get into costumes, but didn't see that coming...The event is being organised by forth year students from my course of studies, as one of them is married to a guy that owns a bar, and what started as a party for art history students ended up in a halloween party (as they realised 2 days ago it would be October 31st by then, lol). Of course, I've got no disguise (and didn't have time to look for one either), so dunno exactly what I'm gonna do...I've been told that dressing up won't be compulsory, but would be fun to do so...
In other news, yesterday I started a course on Social uses of the image, in replacement of the David Lynch seminar that was cancelled. Honestly, I signed up out of curiosity, dunno really what to expect of it, but the lecturers seem to be well organised and assertive (one of my reasons for starting it was that I already knew one of the lecturers, which is one of my professors at my Audiovisuals class, and I like his way of preparing classes), and I'm really looking forward to next Friday^^
PS: after 2-3 days of unbearable 30ºC, it's raining cats and dogs. I know it sounds like nothing pleases me, but definitely prefer boiling hot to heavy rain, specially when I've got plans that involve me going out. Fuck!
night out