Damn you Ants

Aug 02, 2017 14:35

I went downstairs to feed the cats. My Boo and my roomate's cats Sebastian and Ariel, were all hungry so I poured food in the bowl.

Boo meows at me. I tell him annoyed I just fed you, I literally just poured food in the bowl, you watched me do that.

He meows the meow I interpret as his "But, Moooom..." meow because he only uses it when he's trying to get our attention.

I look down ants are in the bowl. All over the bowl and the floor. For the third time this week. I poured out the bowl, washed the bowl, wiped down the floor to hopefully kill as many of the little bastards as I could.

I've moved the food upstairs and my OCD cat is upset that I've changed a pattern again. I joke about it but I'm pretty sure Boo has OCD since any changes we make send him into a tizzy.

He's pouting as I write this.

I know the ants are drawn up because of the rain but damn it ants stop stealing my cat's food.

Crossposted on IJ/LJ/DW. Comment wherever you please.

dani has a rant

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