(no subject)

Jul 28, 2017 21:22

I live!

Well, strictly speaking I had the internet back last Friday I was busy and didn't really make it upstairs.... And I hate updating on my phone. My text ends up all wonky since it doesn't expand the window and therefore I can't really check that it's typed what I think it's typed. Plus after the great chicken prostitute incident I don't trust it to actually say what I'd like it to say.... I was asking Ian to bring home some chicken and pierogies for dinner.
But since the ac is not working properly and it's been hotter than hell the last thing I want to do is climb up to the loft where my computer sits. Last time they fixed the AC and washer they told me that the unit doesn't have insulation and that's why it's so hot up there. I can't wait to move.

I really wish I loved my laptop more but I'll be typing on it and next thing I know the cursor is up at the top adding letters where I don't want them. Poor thing. It's a year old and hardly used. Maybe I'll charge it up and use it to watch movies or something.

Last Friday the ac hadn't yet broken but I was busy.

I went to my first major league baseball game at the Tropicana field. The Tampa Bay Rays vs the Texas Rangers. "Our" team lost but there were several home runs and our team was winning until the last inning. I had a great time.

I took a few pictures of the field and a selfie of Ian and I (link to my instagram I don't yet know how to link to specific posts but I don't post things to often and it's mostly food pics and cat photos.). Mum (Ian's mum) and his godmother Lori were down for night and Lori stayed with us since she was flying back to Wisconsin the next day and was flying out of Tampa.

I actually wouldn't mind going to another baseball game. I'd like to go to a hockey game but the Tampa Bay Lightening are actually a good team and thus don't offer really cheap tickets.

It was kind of funny the day Brigid and Ian got paid. First Brigid came home from work on Thursday overdue rent money and a Mcdonald's chicken biscuit in hand... and while I was nomming her sorry I had our internet canceled for a week peace offering she paid the internet bill... At lunch, Ian received the rent money and thus having more than a dollar to our names we were able to buy some groceries. It reminded me of nature documentaries taking place in the dessert when it rains and all the life comes out before it's all dry again.

Ian and I also spent time talking about our hopes and dreams. We're thinking about buying a piece of land in North Georgia where the weather is close enough to Florida weather that I won't die. We went up North one winter I don't know how to walk on icy ground and I don't like it when it's colder than a jacket and sweater can handle. And it was so gray and ugh outside. Sledding was fun but I think the rest would make me unhappy.

He wants to do most of the construction himself. It would have to wait until he got his professional's engineer licence as right now all his work has to be signed off on by another engineer since he's only an apprentice but once he's got his PE in a few years he'll be in higher demand and possibly able to work from home.

After talking for a while, I think both of us have that Harvest Moon dream. I want a huge garden and to can my own jams and veggies, I want a cow, he wants chickens...

Sadly he wants to live in the mountains and I want to live south of them since when we went camping in the mountains during our honeymoon I blacked out for a few seconds and was dizzy most of the time but after googling I know that I went from 12ft above sea level to 1,000 ft above sealevel and I was also probably anemic since two months later I'd be in the hospital for blood transfusion number 1.

But at least both of us want a more classical style house and both of us want to live somewhere rural. I'm tired of the city and I'm especially tired of apartments. I want a home.

But houses in Tampa are crazy expensive but it's Tampa that Ian got his engineering job. We'd hoped he'd get the job that would take us back to the Bradenton area, where housing prices are cheaper and my favorite doctors are but alas he was not chosen. Since it was for Florida Power and Light they have their choice from all over Florida and it was before Ian had gotten his license (I can't remember the name of it but he took a test that showed that he learned everything in his degree program and qualifies him as an apprentice engineer) by about a week so alas we are still here in Tampa.

At least the food choices are great, I'm going to the Vietnamese restaurant tomorrow for some Pho. I love their broth and it's cheap.

I might get a boba tea if I exercise tomorrow. I've been bad at that because my fit bit broke and I got muscle pain... which makes me anxious because zomg it's a blood clot and we're all going to die.... which makes my muscles tighten up which makes my legs and arms hurt more...

Goodness, I had a lot to babble on about. Now back to reading about how to make a quilt. Maybe I'll ask for a sewing machine for Christmas. It could be fun.

Crossposted on IJ/LJ/DW. Comment wherever you please.

babble of dani cats

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