
Jul 10, 2017 00:15

I'm dealing with the photobucket issues. The site I'm moving to has some transfer tools that I've put in a support request but I'm still in a sort of shock about it.

So many tutorials are lost. And there authors haven't logged onto their journals in years. Some are semi dead but some images were hosted elsewhere.

My icons are still up for now but immortalje's icons have been down for two days now, I can see them because I follow her on photobucket but her icon journal is all broken images.

I have 5,600 icons that I've made through the year. The icon project I had started was transferring them to another account to separate my fandom life from my real life as well as to show from oldest to newest just how much improvement I've made through the years.

But now it's on hold.

The new icon hosting site is for fandom arts and RPGs I'm hoping it's a good one.

But I'm also mourning the site I've used since 2004 and the icon communities that have been dying through the past few years but at least you could still find the old icons and tutorials but now so many are replaced by unsightly images.

Fuck you photobucket. You could have said, hey you need a paid account to use this feature. And I would have happily paid for the cheaper plans to host my little icons. It's a hobby after all, wouldn't have even complained, would have just paid up like i did years ago. But demanding nearly 400 dollars a year?

It's just little things I made in photoshop for fun. It's icons that I do to give something to the fandoms that see me through my anxiety and depression.

You cut off your nose to spite your face. And people don't need you anymore for that price, especially when I could create my own website to share my icons for less than 200 a year... and I could have my own domain name...

Crossposted on IJ/LJ/DW. Comment wherever you please.

fuck you photobucket

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