(no subject)

Jul 06, 2017 22:43

I got some sleep. I'm so happy about that. I could still use more but I finally got some.

I also made a few new icons so there will be some new material in between the redoing of my old work. I'm missing some of the icons I posted so I have to find what folders they hid in before I reformat my hard drive to clear off old and dead space.

I'm happy that my icon muse has been found.

My writing muse on the other hand seems to have vanished and struck me with a horrible case of ugh that's terrible *throws out paper starts again* syndrome.

My best friend treated us to Chiptole tonight. I'd never eaten it before. Mmm it was very tasty and I made relatively good choices.

I rescheduled my motivational call until Sunday because I could not deal with a phonecall at 10am on Wednesday, by 9 am I had reached the all sounds are too much and I need sleep but if anymore intense sounds happen I will have a panic attack mode. Which is obviously not ideal for a phone call.

The cats, my Mushi and my best friend's two menaces have been obnoxious today. They nearly broke my Fitzsimmons mug. And then when I switched mugs they nearly spilled hot tea on my lap.

And Mushi has been doing his scream at people at the top of his lungs for daring to sit on the couch near his blanket thing.

It's payday tomorrow! I'm so happy. Ian forgot that he'd changed a bill to make it less payments and suddenly we had a 200 dollar bill that we weren't prepared for and therefore we had about 70 bucks to spend on food for both humans and cats over two weeks.

But that's over at midnight. Looking forward to hopefully having more money to spend this pay period since rent won't be eating most of it, and getting my watermelon.

I'd been eating a watermelon a week over the past few weeks to having no watermelon for the past two weeks. I want my tasty fresh fruit that keeps me from eating junk food and doesn't aggravate my stomach.

Crossposted on IJ/LJ/DW. Comment wherever you please.

babble of dani cats

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