Once Upon a Time 5x17

Apr 11, 2016 19:16

Let's do this thing!

-In the interest of full disclosure, I was pretty much over Rumple, Belle, and Rumbelle like a season and a half ago so please forgive me if I either gloss over their stuff or get a little anti. I honestly just can't with them anymore.

-Y'know, for a good portion of this episode, I liked that I liked Once!Gaston so very much more than movie!Gaston. And then of course things had to change but for a little while, it was nice!

-Rumple: "You must have known what you were getting into." Um, how could she when you kept lying to her, Rumple? I'm sorry but when you make a bunch of promises and then go back on those promises each and every time, some of that has to fall on you.

I just ... *sigh* And the thing was, he had it. He had a fresh start. He had a pure white heart and was placed on the heroic path and he deliberately chose evil. He deliberately chose power. He deliberately chose to screw over Killian's sacrifice and take the darkness back on himself. All the while, Belle thinks he's walking the heroic path because he lied to her.

Yes, it's all out in the open now but don't try to blame Belle for your deceit, Rumple. You were purposely trying to deceive her. The fact that it worked is not all on her.

-I like how there's just something off about the first scene with Hook, Emma, and Snow in the cemetery. It's not anything huge and it's not anything I can put my finger on (until the camera-work gets jumpy, anyway) but it's just enough to let you know that something's not right.

Also, my immediate reaction upon seeing the cyclone touching down was "Oz!" Because of course. ;) I just didn't know what was being delivered via Tornado Mail, heh.

-And then Emma starts awake and oh my poor sweet babies. She's exhausted and Killian's so worried about her and just drown me in feels.

And the feels just grow when Emma steps back into the Underbrooke library and hugs Snow as if her life depends on it.

-People who are more knowledgeable in the subject than I am: are Regina's "squiggly lines" on the elevator runes? Because they sorta look like runes but then there's one that sorta looks like Omega, which is, y'know, Greek. Greek letters would make more sense, in all honesty, but the only one I recognized was the vague Omega. Also, very Supernatural of them with the glowing sigils. ;)

-Emma telling her parents, Henry, Killian, and Regina about the plan in her dream made me aww. Because just by the look on her face, she knows how it sounds and she's fully expecting to have to convince everybody to let her try it.

But nope, she gets "As for maybes and hopefullys, I've learned never to question yours" from Killian and Charming fully accepting that her move is their next move and Snow wanting to join in and even Regina not snarking at it. She gets full acceptance from them and it's just so heartwarming because the little girl who didn't matter and didn't think she ever would now matters so much.

-Hades finding the little singular daisy growing made me aww. I just really love the idea that by spreading the seeds of hope, the Nevengers have the opportunity to completely change a realm.

-I may or may not have been rooting for Gaston to shoot Rumple with one of those juiced-up arrows. *cough*

-I wonder if there's just one random hole in the Vancouver woods that shows use for pit traps or if they dig them out and fill them in each time. Once has used a pit trap twice this half-season already and Harper's Island used on alllll the way back in 2008.

-Y'know, I kinda feel like Gaston should have told Belle HOW Rumple killed him. "He turned me into a rose that he then gave to you." Because ... yuck.

-Killian: "Any captain worth his salt knows when a storm's brewing and trust me, we need to find shelter." Emma: "Why did you just say that?" Me: Oh my poor baby. She's so scared here, because 1) her dream was a premonition, and 2) that means Snow's really in trouble.

And I love how Snow doesn't question her, doesn't try to force anything, just calmly asks Emma what she wants her to do. I feel like it's the perfect motherly approach for Emma's state of mind at the moment because questioning her would only frustrate her and going off anyway in an effort to prove her wrong would only panic her. It's lovely to see because I'd been so mad at Snow for so long for claiming to not know how to comfort Emma because yes she does. She did it quite well as Mary Margaret and that knowledge was still buried in her somewhere. So to see her now just doing exactly what her daughter needs her to do seemingly as effortlessly as breathing was wonderful.

-Y'know, I understand that these are the times when we're just supposed to watch the show and not ask these kinds of questions but ... how exactly is Robin feeding little Pistachio in the woods? I mean, I get that he raised Roland in the forest so I'm sure he's resourceful but Marian was alive then and I'm sure kept Roland fed. Is Regina magicking him formula? Is Zelena pumping with some sort of Underworld medical equipment? Inquiring minds, show!

-I love how quickly Emma came clean about Snow dying in her dream. A season or two ago, she would have held onto that for a good couple of episodes, if she ever came clean at all. It just goes to show how good having an actual support system has been for her.

-When Belle was reading about the Mirror of Souls and said, "Their eyes will glow with demonic fire," I sighed. I thought we'd had a discussion about the eye effects, you and me, Once.

-I know people were snarking on Regina for snarking on Killian but I'll give her that one because, y'know, sudden dagger in her face. And whatever made Colin brush Killian's hair out of his face with his hook, I love it to pieces.

And I know I mentioned earlier about Emma and her "I don't have any issues" but it's still pretty damn funny. As is Killian's "As much as it pains me, I have to agree with Regina." HA!

But what I really love is this is yet another sign of how good having an actual support system has been for Emma. Yeah, she avoids it the issue when Regina asks but all it takes is Killian getting serious and gentle with her and she spills. She admits that she feels like she failed everyone because they followed her down there and now they're stuck and they don't know how to get out. She admits that she's afraid someone she loves is going to die and it'll be her fault.

And I love love love Mama Snow jumping in and assuring her that they all followed her because they wanted to. That they all knew what they were walking into and did it willingly because her happiness and her and Killian's love is worth the fight. I really think Emma needed to hear that from Snow so I'm very glad she was the one to let Emma know that no one blamed her for anything.

Again, this is a little girl who grew up believing she didn't matter and never would and now she has people who love her so much that they willingly follow her to hell to help her fight for her happiness.

It's beautiful.

-Hades: "But since Belle did the deed -- and what a fun surprise that was." Me: *snerk*

-See, now, wrapping up a dead flower and sending it to your intended is exactly the kind of thing I expect from a Dark True Love.

-So if the cyclone deposited Red in the Underworld, does that mean she's dead or did she fall through a portal? And why do we have to wait a week to find out?!
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