Feb 06, 2005 23:56
so right now i am at my computer because I cannot sleep.. I don't want to go into too many details about the reason because it is not my life. I know that Philip will not be online anytime soon.. maybe not ever again. He has moved to BFE (Bum Fucking Egypt) and it is extremely stressful. One because it seems that he is the only able bodied person in his family other than his dad. Who seemed to have forgotten that over the time period of what.. 16 hours.
Basically what happend is this. This morning: Philip cleaned new room that he is sharing with Perry for 3 hours.. I know.. I was waiting for him to call me when he was done. He had to fold up the garbage bags full of his, Perry's, and Pauls clothes. He folded them and put his and most of Pauls away putting Perrys infront of his dresser. Of course Perry has a heart attack. Philip left. Came to my house. We went to mall. Come back to my house hang out. 9:40 he calls me.. to tell me he's home. Throughout the day Perry has "Cleaned the room" Meaning he sat around and played xbox all day and made the room messier. Perry complained about the mess being Philips fault. Philip yelled. _______ stuff happened. His dad yelled at him, called him a lazy ass saying he hadnt helped with the move at all.. which is bull shit. Philip yelled back. His dad said if he didnt like it he could leave. Philip said fine and started packing his things, his dad came in and told him to put his stuff back if he knew what was good for him. And I was on the phone the whole time. My dad told him to get some clothes and come to our house. He didnt. He cant leave and he knows that, his parents need the rent money he pays them.
Observation time:
somebody complained that they are getting ignored by their friends. That they want to hang out but their friends keep changing plans or picking on one or the other. well you know.. Philip and I are still alive. We like going places with other people. Anytime I say "HEY, we should all hang out sometime." You play it off and say "no, that's ok." or "we're busy" maybe you are. maybe your arent. But you never ask or even act interested. sometimes i wonder how much of a friend you consider me. or am i just the lunch buddy or a person who leaves before 4 and is willing to give you rides.
I don't mean that to be mean.. its just how you seem to act. maybe its just coincidence and if it is.. well then I'm a big baby who takes things too seriously..