Cadets gig

Jan 23, 2006 18:21

Shortly after we updated last Saturday me and Bella were out of the door again and off to Camden Underworld to see The Cadets play. (Louis who happens to be the singer in this band also plays Ernie Macmillan in the HP films). Oh my gods! It rocked so much. As we came in some other band was on. We heard a few songs and once they were off a band from Reading called Loki came on stage. There bassist was so entertaining to watch. He was like a cross between Bill Bailey and Justin Lee Collins. XD Can't get much better than that! White lie were on after that and they were pretty cool (and the main one was hott, although Bella thought he looked a bit feminine). And then The Cadets came on! Louis doesn't look at good as he does in the films but he did one of those really cool jumps (you know the kind...with the jumping...and the guitar bit as you come back down...). Bell thought the keyboard dude was good looking but I rather preferred the guitar one (he had the sexiest red guitar in the world!). We were right up front and shouted 'Ernie Macmillan for head boy!' at Louis but either he didn't hear or chose not to. The crowd kept on being pushed back and forth which did result in Bell falling on to the floor, although luckily she wasn't stood on by the mob. All in all it was a spiffy night and I would highly recommend anyone to go and see them... (My ears are still ringing...)

ernie, louis, cadets gig

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