Most exciting hunt to date.

Jan 21, 2006 16:42

The first hunt of the new year and the last before phoenix starts to be filmed. The day started with a humourous twist as a postie almost lost his trolley to the steep gradient of the hill...oh how we laughed...As we approached our target, we saw, yet again, the batty old biddie who spent her time throwing trash into the road and jaywalking as she did it. We grabbed a few pictures of her, and yes, they will be posted later, goddamnit! Finally, after our traditional visit to Londis, we gazed through the partially opened blinds as we passed and....BEHOLD! THE CREAM SOFA!! After the first major discovery of the day, we retired for some minutes at the bus stop where we were snubbed by lorry drivers and cyclists alike while two leaflet bearing dickheads looked at us as if we were becrazed filth. We decided we would walk past a second time and we snatched a glimpse of...wait for it...a lamp and some pictures which lined the door to another room! After a third time, we realised that this would be our most fruitful hunt yet: we heard the muffled yet unmistakable bark of two border collies! After this final flutter of glory, we decided to return home, sick of the bitter cold.

bark, danhunt, biddy, cream sofa

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