-o- oo3 -o- video/action for violet -o-

Nov 05, 2011 16:43

Iris, tackle!

[One might be expecting to see Ferris up against a Gym Leader or even a wild Pokémon... but nope. Instead, there's a Skitty tackling a Gyarados, because no matter how awesome Gyarados might be, Iris is still a higher level, thank you.

So yes. There's a Skitty tackling the stuffing out of the poor Gyarados who, to be honest, has done absolutely nothing to deserve this.

But Ferris isn't recording this to show everyone what a wonderful trainer she is. Rather-]

It seems that Ryner has... changed form. A pity; I preferred his previous form.

[Yes, she liked him better when it was a useless, flopping fish. Also, ignore the Skitty continuing to, er, play with the Gyarados in the background.]

In any case, his name is now unfitting, and so a name change is required immediately. So tell me, Johto: what name would be appropriate for this creature?

[... No, she's not really going to change its name, but mandatory tsun towards Ryner is mandatory.]

ryner is such a magikarp, !video, this definitely isn't pokemon abuse, damn you evolution, aka ryner is not allowed to be cool, tsun tsun dere, !ic

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