Drama Babble...

Sep 28, 2007 00:20

So, I know people on my flist were watching Jotei. How did it end? Spoil me! Please tell me the heroine and the hot mob boy hooked up! They had a baby and lived together but he died WTF!!!!!!!!!!! What is this, some sort of crime-life take on Ayashi No Ceres? BOOOOOO! Shota is simply too hot to die. Well, I guess that way she can be a happy happy madam with no bf to worry about but just her stable of ‘workers.’ Yikes. BOOO. I want the cheesy OTP back alive!

Also, I have a confession. I haven’t yet watched eps 13-15 of Why Why Love. I know it’s going to get heavy duty angst and I am a total wimp when it comes to this OTP, even though I know there is a happy ending. Very odd for me, but there it is. Sometimes, like with The Outsiders, I wimp out. I still haven’t seen ep 20 because I can’t deal.

I have been fighting a mad urge to watch Smile Again (with Lee Dong Gun) or Snow White/Taste Sweet Love (with Lee Wan) but no new dramas until I finish Kim Sam Soon. The more I think about KSS, the more I adore it. Though you know something odd? I think of any drama I’ve ever seen, the only one who took the story of ‘they loved each other and then she left’ and made it about the two still loving each other, and trying to work it out is Coffee Prince. Usually, once you leave for a long time, for selfish reasons, it’s curtains. See Pride or My Girl.

The little niece of Huyn Bin’s in the drama is the most adorable thing ever. And I love that KSS knows to talk about her when HB is feeling horrible. That always breaks through.

hyun bin, my name is kim sam soon, jotei, doramas11, why why love, matsuda shota

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