Bednaya Nastya: hotness cornucopia of pics (and some meta thrown in)

Sep 21, 2007 00:42

Fuuuuuuuck. Could Bednaya Nastya get any better?

I do not believe so.

You know what I love? Vladimir is not an easy person, and he is hardly a sweetheart, but he is grown-up. Once he realizes that what he feels for Anna is love, he doesn't back down from his feelings, not even once, not even when he has no plans of letting her know. And OMG, they made up!


I love the scene when he calls her into the library and he asks her to sit and she refuses, he says he will stand too. He is treating her as a lady, eeeeee! And you know another thing I love? He feels sorry for what he did, so he takes practical means to make it up to her. I love it when he tells her he is selling her to the Director of Theaters so she could be an actress. And then he adds that he wanted to give her the freedom papers, but he doesn't have enough time, as he is losing the mansion+serfs in less than a day (I love that Michael is helping him re: mansion despite their earlier fight. And I love that Vladimir was off to kill Zabaluyev when he found out he hurt Michael, and was only bodily prevented by Michael. YESSS. friend!otp. And I love when Michael points out even if they find proof of Zabaluyev's guilt, it won't get his mansion back, and Vladimir grins at him and says 'but we'll get vengeance.' YESSS), and that's not enough to get all the government seals. So this way, the agreement is that the Director will give her the freedom papers.

And she is trying to find out why the change. And he tells her that he realized it's absurd to be horrible to her because of childhood jealosy over his father's love. And he says he wanted to punish his father but ended up punishing her. And she says she can't understand what brought this change and I love how he half-grins, wryly, and says 'well, you can believe I need the money and so think me the same kind of monster.' And I love that she is also not holding grudges. And she tells him that since his mansion is for Lisa, who they were chidhood promised with, maybe he should propose to her anyway (Michael said the same thing earlier!) And he tells her that he cannot do that because he is in love with someone else. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG.

And Anna is oblivious, but sympathetic, and asks him if it's mutual and he says no. So she tells him she knows the pain of this (and is sympathizing) and asks him if he told the girl his feelings and he says 'of course not.' To which she replies she wishes she hadn't told Michael she loved him either. His face. Poor woobie. And she asks him if the girl could take care of him maybe, now? Heh. Irony. And then as she walks out she says that she feels, somehow, that maybe one day the woman he loves will love him back. Why, yes she will:

(last ep:


Then I have an ep missing for some weird reason, but I dled video so it's OK and super awesomeness happens. One, Anna is prevented from leaving on time by bad guys and now Zabaluyev is going to sell her to Archangelsk! OMG. I don't think Vladimir knows though, because he is busy getting really drunk and fighting in some tavern. But that is after he despreately proposed to Lisa in church, interrupting the wedding. OMG. Vladimir has a lot of nerve which I love. But the thing is, she wants him to swear on an icon that he still loves her and he cannot. So he apologizes and leaves OMG. Awesomeness.

And I love the scene when he is in a church, all by himself, and he's lost everything: Anna (and any hope of even seeing her, she is gone, he believes to St. Petersburg), his hereditary house, even the honor of his father's name (because by falsifying documents it seems as if his father lied when he said he repayed). And he is just praying and kneeling and his eyes are wet. Am dead.

Some stills from relevant bits:

Asking Lisa to marry him:

Poor Lisa:

She asks him to swear he still loves her, and he cannot.

Vladimir praying in church afterwards:

And because I am in a picspammy mood, one of my fave early scenes, Vladimir and Michael (and Andrei) giddy that they all survived Vladimir's duel with the Crown Prince, only to have Michael's sister come and tell them they are about to be arrested, and then it happening. Awesomeness. Seriously giddy hot boys.

Andrei and Michael celebrating that their friend isn't dead and they aren't arrested:

Seconds, and Vladimir with his arm in a sling. Awwww:


Andrei leaves and we are left with best!friend!otp

Seriously slashy :)

Ummm. I am a little faint now:

Natalie has come to warn, and she is understandably mad at Vladimir's, whose fault it is her brother is involved:

Vladimir is awesome and perfect in his apology (hey, he tried to cancel the damn thing)

Soldiers are here:

daniil strakhov, russian tv, bednaya nastya, screencaps

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