May 04, 2007 09:32
I was thinking about this earlier.
I have no objections to slash, but with some rare exceptions, I just have zero interest in it. If I see a fic with slash as a ship designation, I will just generally skip over it. And if I had to pic between het and gen, I would generally go for het everytime. And I know many people that have the reverse true with het. It would have to be an exception or a really good author to make either me or them reverse their usual lack of interest in slash/het.
Before getting into internet and fandoms, I would have just assumed that this lack of interest on my part is because I am a straight woman so I prefer the type of story closest to my internal paradigm (girl + guy). But this is obviously not a correct reason as internet (and my flist) is full of straight women who write/read/enjoy slash. I myself enjoy slash for some pairings (Clark/Lex, Toshi/Souji). Moreover, I enjoy reading about aliens or Japanese samurai, or stories with just two brothers in them (Supernatural gen) and I am none of those things. So the paradigm answer is very simplistic (especially when if it was correct, it would mandate that the slash I would be most compatible with would be the one where one partner is feminized in behavior by the author or where this 'quasi woman' distinction is already in canon with defined tougher/nurturing roles present. Yet that is the kind of slash that interests me least because then I can just read het).
I don't have answers, I am just writing out loud...
Any thoughts on the topic? Which kind of fic do you prefer? Slash, het or gen. And why? (Btw, 'the het/slash pr0n is hotter is an acceptable answer :D)