Baaadfic, lovely baaaadfic

Feb 23, 2007 18:54

Ahhhh, badfic. This time it's from Ayashi No Ceres, a manga/anime about a Japanese girl, Aya, with mysterious destiny and powers. You don't need to know more. Summaries, as always, from

I suck! I now, but still, please go and read this one :D

Honesty is NOT the best policy, with this one.

A Girl saying she can help Aya defet the Mikage. A girl saying she knows Ceres. A girl saying she can tell Toya his past. But will this girl change evrything that was supposed to happen?

Her name is Marscipinissa Greyhairfairswan, she has purple eyes and green hair, and she is the newest American exchange student.

Oh baby please come back to me,im dying without you" said Aya. (please review!)

Dying from bad grammar, apparently.

Aya-Toya, Aya has just met her true luv on the internet. Only one thing stands in their way, he wont give her his picture, why? because he's a movie star and doesn't want her to know.

Or alternatively, he is a fat, sick-headed, middle-age perv in Kansas who is up for some barely legal lovin'. I am just saying.

Chp 5 is here!Why Touya? Why did u leave me? U said u loved me... why did u have to die? Touya dies in tragic ship wreck.Left his fiance Aya, all alone in this world but did he really? haha Continue on reading and find out...

'You made me realize life is short. Too short to waste time typing out the word 'you' in fact.'

the world is in chaos, yet nobody sees... i, aya mikage, live an ordinary life. but, would it still be ordinary after the real me has been waken and i first gazed into those sad, soulful eyes?

I don't know if it will be ordinary, but hopefully the spelling will be. e.e. cummings and Barbara Cartland make a very odd combination.

She was a Princess and He was a Vampire. They fall in love with each other but something stops them, her family was a Vampire Slayer. Can they surpass this problem and be together forever? A Romeo and Juliet version of ANC. AyaxToya.

How much more R&Jish could it get already? Plus. AnC has a Buffy vibe already. No need to add.

This story is about a twin trying to fight for their freedom to loveThis is my firs story so please be patient enough to read it. Im sorry for some mistakes if there are some

Is he fighting for a right to have spaces between words, also? Because if so, I'd join him.

Aya is a poor girl going to a rich school, so when the hottest, most popular, richest guy in the school starts to hang out with her she is at a loss of what to do. Could this be love? A Cinderella type story! AyaxToya

Could this be love? No idea. Could this be nausea on the other hand? Most likely.

My version of Aya's letter to Aki, if she ever wrote one.Short but to the point.spoilers. Review and tell me what you think.

Aki loves Aya, Aya loves someone...who could it be? What to know more of this story please READ carefully. It might end up having more MYSTERY than it should have.

LOL. What do I need to add? Btw, in case you are not familiar with Ceres, Aki and Aya are twins, so I devoutly hope her mystery man isn't Aki.

Everything seemed to be going bad for Aya nowadays. Toya is gone, her mother wants her gone, and worst of all, she has nowhere to go, no way to support herself. Will all these things change when Yuuhi comes back into the picture? [Yuuhi x Aya x OC]

When your life sucks? Have an orgy!

WHAT? A LOVE SQAURE? NEVER HEARD OF IT. YES. AYATOUYAMIORIYUHHI. what happens when they fall for one another?

This author concurs.

Aki and Toya attempt to work together to escape. Between crossdressing as sluts and digging out of Mikage International using picture frames, it's not going well. First oneshot, R&R!

OK, this actually sounds awesome.

Little Miku's thoughts as her father, Tooya lies on his deathbed right in front of her...

"Waaaaah, waaaaaah, hungry, waaaah, waaaah, potty"

[TouyaxAya] & [AyaxYuuhi] somethings are just not ment to be seen. Or heard. Touya heard Aya&Yuuhi doing something. and It's not a good thing.

Just like your story.

Aya's landed herself in the realm of Fushigi Yuugi. Love takes over during her ordeals...what happened to Touya? And who's this she's given a liking to?

Oh God. Pokes one's eyes out.

[COMPLETE][TouyaxYuuhi] It was just a reaction. A simple muscle spasm, perhaps.

Yeah, my spasm. And then a strong desire for strangulation. Of the author. How would this even work? I guess they could bond over their love for Aya:
Yuhi: OMG, Toya, totally show me what you did with Aya in that hotel room.
Toya: But you don't have the same equipement. Wait, wait, here's a stuffed bra.

Really. I just thought of the most dysfunctional fanfic ever.

Yea Toya! toyatoyatoyatoyatoyatoyatoyatoyatoyatoya by destructivegodess-mayhem reviews
I typed this at one in the morning. I couldn't sleep and sooo, anyway. This, if you haven't guessed by the title is about Toya..Hurray! Summary thingie inside. rated for nonsence. one shot, unless I get enough reviews! Hurry Toya, my love an

Achtung! Achtung! Rabid, overly-sugared fangirl at 50 meters. Shoot on sight.

You don't understand! shouted Yuuhi. You can't marry him Chidori. I mean Yukiko. And may I inquire as to why I can't? she asked angrily. Because... he screamed, dying to let the words out, but not managing to. Shuro stood in the corner of the room, starin

If the author managed to confuse me this much (I have no idea what's going on) in a summary, I am scared to think of what the story is like.

Aki has a new bodyguard. She is the feminine of Toya. She has no memories but knows Toya's. She seemed to change being a friend of Aki. Will the realize they like each other? Or Will Yagami do something about it? Sorry abt the pervious episode -.-;;

So it's Toya/Aki slash. Only with Toya as a girl? Or whaaaaaaa?

How Aya feels about Toya. (Also, where is says "strong as the wing", it's supposed to be "strong as the wind." I made a typing mistake.)

There is something endearing about this one.

Aya has been dead for 5 months,Aki and Touya are now a couple,Aki loves Touya very much,i don't know about Touya...ow!just the story!

Toya, a man of few words but much pragmatism. 'Hell, the love of my life and reason for my being is dead? Never worry. After all, there is still her twin brother so it's sorta like sloppy seconds.'

not much was really emphasized about the feelings of yuuhi towards chidori. and not much really cares. but what does yuuhi truly feel about her?

Ahhh, I love the defeated acknowledgement of lack of interest in the ship.

Aya Mikage, beautiful, smart, and wealthy, is being forced to get engaged by her twin brother Aki. She finally obliges to a young man named Saiko Hikami, but a week before her wedding, she notices the mysterious man in the crowd with no past.

For a second I thought the story meant 'to her brother Aki' and that would have been a lot more off.

badfic, ceres, manga

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