Doramas, Angst and Slash

Aug 04, 2006 15:55

OK. I am still kinda crazed from the fact that we are getting a house. HOUSE!!!

But that shall not stop the geeky fannishness. OK, I still have two eps to go (I finished 10 which was hilarious, with Yankumi going for an arranged date. And heeee, Shin was totally paying too much attention to that) and I was going to post about that, but then I decided to see how the dorama ended and SUPER SQUEE. Because at the very end, the mob guy tells the cop something to the effect of 'I know she is in love with you, but I won't give up' and then the other cop pops up and goes 'that means all three of us are rivals' and then you see Shin and he says 'Excuse me. Four' and EEEEEEEE!!!! Yes, I don't think Yankumi thinks of him that way but SQUUUUEEEEE. That's way more canon confirmation than I hoped for.

And in other news, I have to say, watching Tokyo Juliet reminded me of something that I find interesting in doramas and manga and anime. It's the attitude to homosexuality. This one probably has it because it's based on a Japanese manga, but I find it interesting that here, a completely mainstream story, the heroine who is friends with the guy she is also in love with, completely reasonably assumes that he won't be interested in her because he is gay (why reasonable? Everyone is surprised when Liang starts hanging out with her as he is generally not into girls and he tells her he likes her because he thinks of her as kind of a boy). And that she actually asks him "Liang, do you prefer men?" and it's not played for laughs and she is not horror-stricken or anything. It's just one of those things in life, just as if she knew she had no chance with him because he only liked blondes. I really like that. Actually, I am unsure about Liang's sexual orientation anyhow (I don't care either). He clearly is in love with Sui, so he is at least bi, but I have no idea if he is bi or straight. He really doesn't demonstrate much interest in women, Sui has a very boyish figure and heck, he is a clothes designer. Of course, his pull-push attitude towards her is explained because he was in love with her from the start but knew she wouldn't like him once she found out about his parentage but it's not illuminating at all about the rest of it.

And also, I want to show off my new icon from Silence made by the wonderful winterspel. I am kinda dreading how this one is going to end though. I do love that about doramas. They can have very happy endings (Meteor Garden), utterly miserable ones (I Am Sorry I Love You, which is supposed to be really good, is one I am refusing to watch because it's going to make me want to off myself) or anything in between. I have no idea how Tokyo Juliet is going to end, but I do think chances of HEA there are a lot greater than in 'Silence.' It's interesting, the kinds of different angst doramas have. Because TJ is full of this delicious, Bollywoodish angst that is unreal situation-wise but the emotions are of course relatable (anyone can know what it feels like to be rejected in love or similar). And Silence strikes me as almost Victorian in its storyline of lonely children who meet again as adults and is very very angsty but in an understated, restrained fashion. More likely to make me cry, probably.

gokusen, tokyo juliet, doramas, jdorama, silence, house, slash

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